Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly urge the Government to introduce legislation, like Manitoba’s and Ontario’s, requiring all school boards to develop policies to support students who want to lead and establish gay-straight alliance activities and organizations, using any name that is consistent with the promotion of a positive school environment that is inclusive, welcoming, and respectful for all students regardless of sexuality, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
It was a simple motion introduced on the floor of Alberta’s Legislative Assembly on April 7, 2014 that would help create safer environments for students in schools. Nineteen Liberal, New Democrat, and Progressive Conservative MLAs voted in favour of the motion, but it failed after 31 PC and Wildrose MLAs stood up and voted against it.

Motion 503, introduced by Calgary-Buffalo MLA Kent Hehr, was not a piece of binding legislation, it was a symbolic message of that all students, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, can be welcomed and accepted in Alberta’s education system.
Creating safe and supportive environments for all students, including LGBTQ youth who may face discrimination in and outside of school, should be something that is encouraged by MLAs.
Mr. Hehr’s motion undoubtably would have made some social conservatives uncomfortable, but it would have ultimately helped drag some of Alberta’s more stodgy school boards into the 21st century. The motion would not have forced any school board to form student-led gay-straight alliances, but it would have compelled the elected boards to accept the existence of the groups if students in their schools chose to organize them.

Passage of this motion would have sent a strong message that tolerance and acceptance are priorities Alberta’s provincial legislators.
Anti-bullying minister Sandra Jansen voted in favour but Education minister Jeff Johnson voted against it.
Missing from the vote were Premier Dave Hancock and NDP leader Brian Mason, who both later said they would have voted in favour had they been in the Assembly. Wildrose opposition leader Danielle Smith was not present for the vote and it is not clear if she would have voted differently than her party’s MLAs.
The divided PC government caucus also missed an opportunity to send a clear message that they embrace 21st century values by singling out the opposition Wildrose as the only party to unanimously vote against the motion – and remind Albertans of the infamous Lake of Fire. And for the Wildrose, a vote for the motion, even by one or two of that party’s MLAs, would have done a lot of demonstrate the party is more moderate on social issues than its opponents claim.
In total, 36 MLAs were absent from the vote (minus the Speaker, who abstains from votes of the Assembly).
Voted in Favour: 19 Deron Bilous (NDP) Laurie Blakeman (LIB) Neil Brown (PC) Pearl Calahasen (PC) Cal Dallas (PC) Alana DeLong (PC) David Eggen (NDP) Kyle Fawcett (PC) Kent Hehr (LIB) Ken Hughes (PC) Sandra Jansen (PC) Heather Klimchuk (PC) Jason Luan (PC) Thomas Luksazuk (PC) Rachel Notley (NDP) Don Scott (PC) Raj Sherman (LIB) David Swann (LIB) Teresa Woo-Paw (PC) |
Voted against: 31 Moe Amery (PC) Rob Anderson (WR) Drew Barnes (WR) Gary Bikman (WR) Robin Campbell (PC) Ron Casey (PC) Christine Cusanelli (PC) Ian Donovan (WR) David Dorward (PC) Wayne Drysdale (PC) Jacquie Fenske (PC) Rick Fraser (PC) Yvonne Fritz (PC) Hector Goudreau (PC) Jeff Johnson (PC) Linda Johnson (PC) Maureen Kubinec (PC) Genia Leskiw (PC) Bruce McAllister (WR) Everett McDonald (PC) Diana McQueen (PC) Frank Oberle (PC) Bridget Pastoor (PC) Dave Rodney (PC) Bruce Rowe (WR) Shayne Saskiw (WR) Richard Starke (PC) Rick Strankman (WR) Kerry Towle (WR) George VanderBurg (PC) Greg Weadick (PC) |