
"okay shredder! prepare to be turtle-ized! hehe!"

A little bit of pre-writ day fun.


Take the quiz: “Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?”

You’ve been described as ‘the brains’ of your family or group of friends. You’re the natural born, ‘Mr. Fixit’. You’re also considered the most reserved, preoccupied with your own little thoughts and ideas. But that doesn’t mean you don’t hang with your family and friends! But, you still find it easy to get lost in your own thoughts…daydreaming often. You’d rather talk things out than fight. You long for a day when there’s nothing but peace in the world, and when you can finally rest with your own thoughts. Violence is something the world could completely live without. One of your labels may be, ‘true to blue friend’. You’re strong at heart and powerful at mind.


iggy on war.

For those of you interested, here’s a video lecture of Etobicoke-Lakeshore Liberal candidate Michael Ignatieff.

Only 35 minutes left for Jack Layton to try to make another deal with the Liberals. 😉


the sound a falling government makes is "thump"

Tune in! 3 pm Edmonton time is when live coverage of “non-confidence vote: part 2” is to take place. It should be a fun showdown! We’ve never seen a federal government fall! (THUMP!)

Good luck to all those involved in campaigns across the country. Play nice and have fun! 🙂

We plan to have mostly Edmonton related campaign updates/gossip (for national coverage, we’re sure CG will have his share of insight).

btw, we were in a cab last night with a driver who couldn’t stop telling us some of the more offensive racist jokes we’ve heard in a long time. Slightly more disturbing that he was telling us them in the first place…

And finally, thanks to the half-dozen daveberta readers who emailed us commenting on the new template! We’re glad you like it (and we love fan mail! [insert inflated ego here]) 😛


got a hitch in y’r giddyup?


In preparation for Tuesday’s expected federal election call, we’ve decided to make up a list of Edmonton ridings and their candidates so far… (let us know if we’ve missed anyone!)

We’ll keep updating the list as more candidates are declared, nominated, appointed, or turfed.


EDMONTON CENTRE (2004 results & map)
Laurie HawnConservative
Lyle KennyMarjuana Party
Donna MartynNDP

Anne McLellanLiberal
David ParkerGreen

EDMONTON EAST (2004 results & map)
Trey Capernhurst – Green
Arlene Chapman – NDP

Peter Goldring – Conservative
Ken Kirk – Marijuana
Nicole Martel – Liberal

David VanzellaCAP
(*UPDATE* Nov 29 – According to the Green Party website, Paul Wallace is no longer their candidate)

EDMONTON LEDUC (2004 results & map)
Jim Jacuta – Liberal
Ben Pettit – Green

James RajotteConservative
Marty Rybiak – NDP

Kate Harrington – Green
Neal Gray – NDP

Amarjit Grewal – Liberal
Mike Lake

(2004 results & map)
Ken Epp
Laurie Lang – NDP
Lynn Lau – Green

Ron SymicLiberal

(2004 results & map)
Rona Ambrose
Brad Enge
John Lackey – Green
Jason Rockwell – NDP

EDMONTON ST. ALBERT (2004 results & map)
Stanley HarounLiberal
Peter Johnston – Green
Mike Melymick – NDP
John WilliamsConservative

EDMONTON STRATHCONA (2004 results & map)
Linda Duncan – NDP
Dave Dowling – Marijuana

Andy Hladyshevsky – Liberal
Rahim Jaffer
Cameron Wakefield – Green


our qp adventure.

This past wednesday, we visited the Alberta Legislature and watch some Question Perioding. Here’s a quick recap of our observations from the visitors gallery… (though they’re definately not as exciting as some of our previous Legislature experiences)

(OPENING SCENE: Beautiful +14C day in the City of Edmonton)

1:00 pm – Leave work at the University, catch the train to Grandin station.

1:10 pm – Get off the train at Grandin station.

1:15 pm – Meet up with our friend Ms. Jane on the front steps of the Leg.

1:19 pm – Bump into Rick Miller in the elevator. We have a quick chat.

1:23 pm – Stand in line to get our QP pass… there are about 5000 school kids in the rotunda. crazy. Donna Martyn and Mr. Sharma are in line ahead of us. Dan McLennan is also in line.

1:30 pm – QP starts. Mr. Sharma crosses party lines and sits beside a Liberal (us). Way to go, Anand! 😉

1:40ish pmLaurie Blakeman introduces us. Very nice.

1:41 pm – Premier Klein is on his cross-Canada “Torpedo Stephen Harper” Tour, so Finance Minister Shirley McClellan is running the show… man does she have a boring voice…

1:42 pm – Liberal leader Kevin Taft asks the first question.

1:43 pm – Alliance MLA Paul Hinman is here. Sitting all by himself. The ND’s are there too. Brian Mason is quieter than his usual “QP bull dog” self. But he does make some good heckles.

1:45 pm – It looks like Ted Morton is playing paddy cake… wha? either that, or he has a Juba song stuck in his head…. crazy right-winger…

1:47 pm – We notice that Dave Hancock is still in his “grey hair period” (as opposed to his
previous brown and black periods).

1:49 pm – Aboriginal Affairs Minister Pearl Calahasen is reading the Hill Times.

1:50 pm – Education Minister Gene Zwozdesky scoffs at an opposition question about hot lunch programs in schools. St. Albert Liberal MLA Jack Flaherty yells at Zwoz and looks like he’s going to get up and deck him. For a 74-year old, Flaherty sure has alot of energy.

2:00 pm – Banff-Cochrane Tory MLA Janis Tarchuk is signing Christmas cards. Lucky for her, her seatmate Rob Lougheed is MIA. So she uses his chair to pile her cards.

2:05 pm – QP continues. The opposition asks decent questions, but the Tories give boring answers. They know the media isn’t paying attention to QP while Klein is on tour. We’re bored. Time to bounce. Adios.

2:10 pm – On our way out, we bump into Agriculture Minister Doug Horner. Have a nice chat with him in the rotunda.



buy nothing day.

Can someone explain to us a couple things about Buy Nothing Day?

1. Why does it fall on a Friday?
2. Does beer count? Because… it’s Friday… and it’s been a long long week.

We’re sitting in SUB finishing off a book review and 5 guys dressed in drag just walked by…

Also, this weekend, we will have the full report of our exciting adventure to the Alberta Legislature this week…

Highlights include…
… MLA’s signing Christmas cards.
… an update on Dave Hancock‘s hair colour.
… a certain leadership candidate playing paddy-cake.
… and much much more.


pre-electoral projectation

A friend email this cool election projector to us. It’s fun for political nerds!


harper’s secret agenda.

Finally! Our suspicions have been confirmed… and we can’t help but think it’s kind of cool…

Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada are building a Death Star. Hidden behind the moon and almost complete, the Conservative Death Star will allow us to finally achieve our fondest desires.


fyi. (pronounced: fwy)

After a quick MSN chat with a friend of official importance, we were reminded that this blog (the one you’re reading now), has been nominated for some fairly hefty non-monetary awards. Those being that of the Canadian Blog Awards.

As much as we’d like to mock them as the “Canadian Nerd Awards” or the “Get a Life Awards,” it would be unfair to judge everyone based on a couple of blogs.

We’ve been nominated in the Best Blog and Best Personal Blog categories.

Here are the voting instructions as posted by Robert at MyBlahg.

“Tentative Timetable
Thursday November 24th – Wednesday November 30th: Round One voting.
Friday December 2nd, 12pm EST: Round One results will be announced.
Saturday December 3rd – Friday December 9th: Round Two voting.
Sunday December 11th, 9pm EST: Round Two results will be announced.

Voting Instructions
You may vote once per day. To vote, click on a category header to open it and then make your selection. Repeat with each category until you’ve made all your selections and then submit your vote.

Note: It’s not required that you vote in each category, but you must make all your selections before you submit your vote.”

So, as you can see, voting begins tomorrow, so if you likey what you see, *go here* and vote early and often.

(We shall post our endorsements later this week)


awwww… isn’t that cute!

Doesn’t it look like Warren K has a tiny crush on our good friend CG?

“November 21, 2005 – The Calgary Grit is one of the best bloggers in Canada, and not simply because we usually agree with each other. He’s one of the best because he’s smart, he’s funny, and he’s a terrific writer. And when you meet him – as I did, at the March 2005 Ottawa Liberal convention I attended as a delegate, no less – you will be depressed by how young he is. He made me feel 100 years old, in fact.”

“November 23, 2005 – Once again, I cannot improve upon what is being written by Calgary Grit – a young guy who, I hasten to point out, is doing better research/commentary, for free, than what we see out of a lot of the MSM based in Ottawa these days. Amazing.”

That’s cute. 🙂


"in every phrase, you must say eh"

Slightly dated, but entertaining none the less…

Reform Party Rag

“If you were Indian before, you’re not like that anymore…”

Politicans Halloween Party

“…Chretien and Mulroney did the tango with each other, and Joe Clark was a flirting with someone elses mother.”

The Best Summer Job I Ever Had

“…the best summer job I ever had was as the Yukon PC leader!”


5 day recap.

It’s been a really really busy week here in the life of daveberta….

With all the talk of a federal election in the midst, we’re not sure from which magic hat we’ll pull out the time to get involved… though we’ve made it no secret that we’re less than pleased with the current Liberal government (or Prime Minister Martin for that matter), we do hope to help out in some fashion (how ever limited) with some local campaigns (namely those of Anne McLellan in Edmonton Centre, and Nicole Martel in Edmonton East).

But truthfully, we’ve become quite tired of entire ‘partisan’ politics thing. Perhaps it’s the lopsided incest of Alberta‘s political environment/34 year-old Tory government that we find ourselves smothered by. It really doesn’t matter what party is in power, if they’ve been in power for 34 years, they’re going to be as incestuous as the current Alberta bunch.

Anyway, enough politics for now, here’s a quick recap of the last week…

Last Thursday, on the eve of finishing a kickass research paper on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the BHP Diamond Mine EA process, we had the unfortunate unluck of knocking ourselves fairly hard on the head. HUGE gash, lots of blood everywhere, etc.

we spent 5 hours waiting in the waiting room at the ER at the U of A Hospital. All sorts of exciting ailments over there… This one lady had a broken bone poking out of her skin! It was crazy/cool. After the said 5 hours of quality time with 50 or so other Edmontonians, they finally cleaned us up and glued our head shut (though the bleeding had stopped by that point).

Friday evening, after taking the afternoon off of work to sleep… we joined 8 of our terrific friends in seeing the movie, Walk the Line. If you haven’t seen it yet, we recommend you head directly to your nearest film house and purchase a ticked without haste!

Johnny Cash rocks.

Saturday… after a very enjoyable evening, we met up with former-US Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Paul Cellucci, who was in town talking about his new book. Paul (or Paulie, as he’s known on the streets of south Boston) was good for 3 or 6 pints of Guinness and some chat. Though we tend to disagree with him on most issues, we were definitely able to get some insight into his perspective, which was interesting.

Sunday…. papers….

Monday…. papers….

Today…. papers….

Tomorrow…. question period at the Alberta Legislature! (expect a full report later this week (including an update on TED MORTON WATCH).


all is not happy in toryland?

(Intro Song- Don Henley‘s Dirty Laundy)

From what we can tell from this anonymous blog, all is not well in the mighty Tory EDA of Edmonton Mill Woods-Beaumont.

So unhappy was this local Tory that he (or she) has set up a blog and begun seriously criticizing Tory organizers in Edmonton, including Mr. Will McBeath and Mr. Vitor Marciano, regarding some aspects of Tory candidate Mike Lake‘s campaign and the nomination race which chose him.

We’re not sure what this guys deal is, or if any of the allegations are true, but he sure sounds like a bit of a nutter… an entertaining one though.

(Edmonton Mill Woods-Beaumont is currently represented by Liberal-turned-Independent MP, David Kilgour, who was narrowly re-elected as a Liberal in 2004. Mr. Kilgour, who has represented this area of Edmonton since 1979 as a Progressive Conservative (1979-90), Liberal (1991-2005), and Independent (1990-91, 2005-), is not expected to seek re-election in the next election.)


when welsh rugby fans go wild…

…they cut off their testicles.


ted morton’s head explodes…

We wonder what firewall Ted has to say about this.