While I am in the mood to dispense political advice, my next tip goes out to Wildrose leader Brian Jean, who was a featured speaker at Ezra Levant’s totally weird anti-carbon tax rally.
Mr. Jean and Innisfail-Sylvan Lake MLA Don MacIntyre shared the podium at the event organized to protest Alberta’s carbon tax (yes, the carbon tax that led to the approval of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline).

The rally featured Neal Bernard “The Roughneck” Hancock removing his shoes and throwing them at the doors of the Legislature, former federal cabinet minister Chris Alexander appearing to nod as protesters chanted “lock her up” in reference to Premier Rachel Notley, and climate change denying, anti-gay and anti-immigration messages on signs and pamphlets.
Also present was Edmonton-Griesbach Conservative MP Kerry Diotte, who later posted a message on Facebook attacking the media for alleged biased coverage of the rally.
While the crowd certainly included Albertans who are frustrated and angry at the economy and the government, the bizarre program and assortment of weird fringe groups distracted from any anti-carbon tax message they hoped to send.
Mr. Jean denounced the “lock her up” chanters at the rally two days later after calls by NDP House Leader Brian Mason for the Wildrose leader to reject “Trump-style hate politics.” The chant was also denounced by Conservative Party interim leader Rona Ambrose.
“We don’t lock people up in Canada for bad policy, we vote them out,” Ms. Ambrose said. “I don’t know what to say — it’s people acting like idiots.”
Unless the Wildrose Party’s election strategy is to remind Albertans about the Lake of Fire, Mr. Jean and his Wildrose MLAs should probably avoid any public association with this crowd in the future.
19 replies on “That Totally Weird Anti-Carbon Tax Rally”
Brian Jean knows better than to take advice from people who want him to fail.
So what about the legitimate concerns that were raised at the rally? Do they not illicit a response?
I agree that their behavior was illicit! It had a great ‘ affect’. I am sure a response will be illicited.
to draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke: to elicit the truth; to elicit a response with a question.
You didn’t come up with the “Kudatah” proposal by any chance?
Right-wing humiliation has now become a bona fide Alberta export, thanks to the PCs (Jason Kenney) and the Wildrose Party. Unfortunately, Albertans receive no financial benefit from made-in-Alberta stupidity.
This just in…..
Is it just me…or is Ezra the Rant and Rebel TV morphing into the Jerry Springer Show. His alt-right tirade on Rebel TV against Brian Jean and Jason Kenney is jaw-dropping hilarious. This has made-in-crazy-town written all over it. You can probably view it onTwitter or .youtube
Communism is alive and well in Alberta.
Communism is a far left philosophy! You mean Fascism…
Mr. Jean narrowly dodged the bullet here, as the crowd was not chanting while he was speaking and he said he left before that occurred. Mr. Kenney, was not there at all, perhaps reinforcing the point he is a bit more clever.
In any event, the supporters of the Wildrose and the Conservatives do their parties no favours by this type behavior. Mr. Levant who organized this event consistently does things that are an embarrassment to them. Perhaps these parties would be wise to disassociate themselves from him as well as the kooks and cranks in the crowd.
They did nothing that wasn’t painfully consistent with all Rightwing philosophies…doesn’t matter if they are following Brian Jean, Ezra, or any other rightwing politicians!
Read up on your political philosophies and you will quickly learn never to vote for a rightwing party ever again!
If the government would listen to the people that pay them maybe we won’t have to vocalize our opinions at your rallies.
But this *is* the Wildrose base. Let’s not kid ourselves. And that wasn’t an “anti carbon tax” rally.
A glimpse of what a Conservative/Wildrose Alberta government would look like.
At least what a Wildrose gov’t would look like. A joined government would be a mix of that plus farmers and lifetime PC voters who vote party line no matter what.
Guess the “make it awkward” campaign collapsed at the birth of the Pro-Rightwing (Racist, Anti-Gay, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Canadian values) campaign at the legislature…
So if the Conservatives had done something to address climate change and Harper had approved the pipeline, would there have been a similar rally ? These folks truly are idiots and not fit to govern.
It was reported by the CBC Calgary that Raging Grannies protesters were ejected from the Calgary hotel where the second anti-carbon tax rally is being held at the request of Rebel Media. I guess Rebel Media is all for free speech unless they disagree with those speaking. Talk about fascism!
Funny I went around taking photos at rally of signs and didn’t see this one.
I was at the rally and would really appreciate copies of ur sign pics as I thought mine pretty clever. It said ‘Revenue Neutral? Are beaurocrats free?’ I thought many though full signs and would like to keep record. Thanks and God Bless