How well do you know your Member of Parliament? Fort McMurray-Athabasca Conservative MP Brian Jean takes a unique approach to this question in his latest mail-out to constituents.
Mr. Jean’s latest taxpayer-funded mail-out doesn’t included a crossword puzzle about the bustling community of Fort McMurray, or the wealth of natural resources in the riding, or even what the duties of an MP are. In what I can only suspect was inspired by Oprah Winfrey‘s O Magazine, Mr. Jean’s crossword puzzle is all about Mr. Jean.
Here is a sample of a few questions included in the crossword:
Eight across, four letters: “Brian’s inaugural election year: in Roman numerals.”
Four down, four letters: “Brian’s favourite colour.”
Seven down, three letters: “How many grandchildren does Brian have”
Twenty down, three letters: “Colour of Brian’s hair”
(Thanks to a reader for passing this image along)