For Immediate Release
EDMONTON – Leaning outside the window of his big blue truck, 2017 Jason Kenney denounced 2021 Jason Kenney for his decision to gamble $1.5 billion of taxpayers dollars on the failed Keystone XL Pipeline project. The pipeline, which had its permit cancelled by President Joe Biden this week is expected to cost Alberta taxpayers more than a billion dollars.

“A $1.5 billion dollar boondoggle, that what 2021 Jason Kenney signed us up for with his disastrous pipeline deal,” 2017 Kenney said. “This is one of the single largest expenditures by a government in the history of Alberta.”
“The rotten fruit of the Keystone XL deal, which the province harvested on Tuesday, was inevitable given the kind of sweetheart deal given to yet another private company with tax dollars,” 2017 Kenney said. “For too long, politicians like 2021 Jason Kenney have pretended they were businessmen, investing with other people’s money and they made an absolute failure of it.”
“With $1.5 billion, we could have built a mega-hospital or 50 new schools! $1.5 billion to do something the private sector was doing already, just to interfere in the market,” 2017 Kenney said.

“This reckless, out-of-control investment has sent billions of Albertans’ hard-earned tax-dollars into a fiscal train-wreck.”
“2021 Jason Kenney needs to get out of the business of business, out of the losing business of picking winners and losers,” 2017 Kenney said. “When 2021 Jason Kenney is risking your money instead of his own, you might as well send him to the casino. He has no incentive to get it right.”
“This costly boondoggle stuck Alberta taxpayers with a very expensive write-down,” Kenney said. “I call on 2021 Jason Kenney to release the terms of its secret $1.5 billion deal immediately. What does he have to hide?”
WATCH: @jkenney on past efforts to pick winners & losers w/major industrial projects. Say 'no' to corp welfare! #ableg #abpoli #UCP #UCPldr
— Unite Alberta (@UniteAlberta) October 21, 2017
2 replies on “2017 Jason Kenney to 2021 Jason Kenney: No More Billion Dollar Boondoggles!”
I love the video, Dave, thanks for posting it.
Oh he has a lot to hide! Its embarrassing he so carelessly lost a lot of taxpayer money. We’re still actually not sure how much. I believe the loss is at least $1.5 billion in equity invested, but with 6 billion in loan guarantees it could be a lot more. Unfortunately Mr. Kenney will not give us a number, so all we can do is speculate.
The Mr. Kenney of 2017 probably knows his future self better than we think. After all this is the guy who made the grassroots guarantee and then quickly and conveniently forgot it too. It seems he says whatever appears advantageous for the moment with no thought to the future. Perhaps his fingers were crossed behind his back in 2017 when he promised the government would not pick winners or losers.
Well, at least he got it half right. He didn’t pick a winner in his pipeline investment.