Fort McMurray-Athabasca Conservative Member of Parliament Brian Jean announced his resignation today in a written statement to the media. Mr. Jean was first elected in 2004. He was re-elected in 2011 with 71.8% of the vote.
His departure will trigger a second federal by-election in Alberta in 2014. In late 2013, Macleod MP Ted Menzies resigned.
In late 2013, Mr. Jean faced ridicule from critics who questioned his decision to include a crossword puzzle about himself in a constituency newsletter.
Here are exerts from Mr. Jean’s resignation letter:
“In every job, there is a right time to move on. For me, that time has come. I’ve spent the past ten years fighting for the priorities of Northern Albertans in Ottawa and now I feel I’m needed more right here at home in Fort McMurray,” says MP Jean. “This decision has not been an easy one and I am extremely grateful to my family, my outstanding staff, and my constituents for their constant support. I would also like to thank Prime Minister Stephen Harper for his leadership and for allowing me the opportunity to publically serve the greatest people and place in Canada.”
“When I was first elected, I made a commitment to my constituents that I would serve seven to ten years and work towards a number of goals including: a strong Canadian economy, the protection of individual rights, the elimination of the long barrel firearms registry, fiscal responsibility of government, and responding to all constituents’ concerns. I’m extremely proud of the work I’ve done for my constituents and for Northern Alberta,” says Jean. “I’m also proud of the accomplishments achieved by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and our Conservative Government, with our success being evident in the strong performance of Canada’s economy over our time in Government. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of it but look forward to contributing in other ways to making Northern Alberta the best place in which to work, live and raise a family.”
4 replies on “Fort McMurray MP Brian Jean resigns”
Dear Fellow Canadians,
I did it! I got a full pension without having to do any real work! I do feel sincerely bad for all other Canadians who have to continue to do actual real work, but suck it up you losers. You were given the chance to join the Reform-Wildrose party and you didn’t. So go fuck yourselves.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Preston Manning, Tom Flanagan, Steve Harper, and all of the rest of the gang in Reform-Wildrose Alberta for my good fortune. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We can’t leave out God now, can we?
Ok can we say it is officail Harper has a revolt on his hands of Alberta MPs? Hey you guys can always come to the Liberal Party where democracy is still important.I will say the Conservatives have done some good things in the past but when you don’t follow through with your promises IE: Senate Reform and military spending as well taking away the Medical Marijunna program you don’t really look like your conserving anything really eh.
[…] McMurray-Athabasca Member of Parliament Brian Jean announced last week that he will resign from parliament on January 17. After ten years as MP for the region and as a government […]
“Dear detractors,
I am mentally and professionally incapable of dealing with the scrutiny that has befallen my constituency and my ineptitude. I am formally therefore scramming while the scramming’s good. Edit in here empty comments praising the Great Leader.
Goooooo Mactown!”