Alberta Politics

the hyperbole of alberta’s pc party.

While perusing through the latest issue of PC People Magazine, I quickly noticed a very obvious theme. It really amazed me that nearly every article in the 13-page membership magazine was framed to dispute a position taken by the Wildrose Alliance. Anyone who believes that the PCs are not concerned about their bleeding support in the polls should take a read of this newsletter.

One article, and one quote in particular, caught my eye. Editor Brenton Harding takes a stab at explaining why many American-style (code: scary Wildrose Alliance) election practices are not good for Albertans.

Another concept being promoted in some quarters is the idea of term limits. These laws restrict the number of times an office holder can seek re-election.

On the surface this may seem like noble enough sentiment until you take a closer look. Voters pick their favoured candidate and the individual with the greatest support becomes the community’s representative.

For all intents and purposes, term limits bar voters from selecting the candidate of their choice.

Voters whose favoured candidate is prohibited from seeking re-election are disadvantaged as much as voters whose candidate is barred by the whims of an Ayatollah or a general.

Perhaps it was hyperbole taken a little too far, because I am sure that most American’s do not feel like a term-limited Presidential electoral system is similar to the whims of a dangerous theocrat or military dictator.