
more tory patronage…

Alberta’s Conservative government launched another round of fairly obvious patronage appointments last week…

Karen Kryczka, Tory MLA for Calgary West (1997-2004), was appointed to the Board of the Alberta Foundation of the Arts.

Bob Clark, Social Credit MLA for Olds-Didsbury (1960-81), Socred Leader (1977-81), and Alberta’s “Ethics Commissioner” (1992-2003), was appointed to the Natural Resource Conservation Board.


the question is alberta?

Tomorrow, on the U of A campus, the Question is Alberta, and some local and not so local politicians will be speaking…

From 4pm to 5pm, Parkland Institute Executive Director Ricardo Acuna and Edmonton Strathcona NDP MLA Dr. Raj Pannu will be speaking on “Alberta’s Lack of Vision for the Surplus” at Dewey’s.

From 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Alberta Liberal Leader and Edmonton Riverview MLA Kevin Taft and Calgary Currie Liberal MLA Dave Taylor will be speaking on “Where is Alberta?” at Dewey’s as well.

If you have the chance, come out and meet some of Alberta’s premiere opposition MLA’s and critics…


corn chips are no place for…

…a mighty warrior. The tenth issue-versary edition of teengirl squad is out.

(props to peter and geoff for the link)

Also… new Strongbad email!


from the depths of alberta hansard

“I hear a rattle, Mr. Speaker, I think the minister just had an idea.”

Nick Taylor, Liberal MLA for Westlock-Sturgeon (1986-93) and Redwater (1993-96), and Alberta Senator (1996-2002)


if penguins could fly would they make a "THUD" on impact

busy weekend. most posting soon.

in the mean time… this has quite the political message, plus, it’s kind of funny…

Image hosted by

(props to Mr. Ryan Payne for the pic)


how appropriate…

The idealistic speechwriter is well-liked by just about everyone. He’s known for his excellent writing, sense of humor, and tendency to be clutzy. Although being younger than the rest of the staff, he’s often treated as so, much to his dismay.

:: Which West Wing character are you? ::

(Ironic props to Sam for the quiz linkage)


better than dingwall.

Ahh. Tonight, as we read about the general lameness of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA), we are also reminiscing about how good the magical first four seasons of the West Wing were. Josh, Sam, Toby, CJ. Political superstars. Total fun entertainment. The assassination attempt, the MS scandal, the re-election.

Last Sunday night, we caught part of the West Wing for the first time in an entire season, and were surprised and confused at what was going on and who was now working for who. Gladly, we weren’t the only ones… Ainge from Lotusland also feels the confusion. We recommend other West Wing-a-holics (*cough*henderson*cough*sam*cough*) check out the Lotusland post…


blog of the week: john gushue…dot dot dot

That’s right folks! Hailing from St. John’s Newfoundland, John Gushue… Dot Dot Dot is this week’s blog of the week.

We enjoy John’s posts and they’re always quite entertaining and informative. His ‘Daily Dot’s’ are also quite cool as well.

Make sure to check out John Gushue… Dot Dot Dot!



Due to the entire rediculousness of this issue, we haven’t been paying much attention to it. But, today (right now), as we write a paper, we also have the Dingwall hearings on in the background.

Here’s our translation of the Dingwall hearing:

Backbench Tory MP: “Mr. Dingwall, are you corrupt?

Dingwall: “uhhh… Mr. Chair, let me talk to my lawyer.

Backbench Liberal MP: “ohhhh, Mr. Dingwall. Yoou’re soooo gooood.

Dingwall: “Bless you my child.

Backbench Tory MP: “For crying out loud Mr. Dingwall! Do you eat babies?

Dingwall: “Mr. Chair, I’m not an expert on that and I wish to consult my legal council.

Backbench Liberal MP: “ooohhh. David Dingwall, you are soooo goood!

Dingwall: “Ooohhhh. Legal advice…


NDP: 19 – 1 = 18

Looks like Ms. Desjarlais will be joining the likes of Ms. Parrish, Mr. Kilgour and Mr. O’Brien in the realm of Independent MP’s.


blogging excuses.

okay, yes we realized the lameness of all these random blog posts. We believe Ms. Lo has hit it right on the head. No more posts for a while… blogging will lead to our exile one day.

Also, MSN Messenger is on our list of the Top 10 Coolest things EVER! In one day over MSN, we chatted with our friends in India, the UK, Calgary, Vancouver, and Montreal. How cool.


papus e. barnum.

Perhaps Mr. face can correct our latin…

If you haven’t already, head over to one of our favorite blogs: ask the pope. It’s just so delightfully entertaining. 🙂

Another late night of paper writing ahead… only two more left to do this week…

The one we’re working on now is quite interesting. We’re discussing the similarities and differences between economic diversification strategies and over-all economic transformation in Alberta and Saskatchewan between 1950 and 1990.

Only 600ish more words to go…



one month left! huzzah!


too early…

Well, after a great weekend of fun and partying (Sunday night was particularily fun), we went to the Canada Conference which began last night (but we only showed up this morning).

Breakfast at 7:30am took some effort (considering we were up until 2am writing papers…). One of the most interesting parts of the morning was when we got lost looking for the Sutton Place Hotel, where the conference was being held (considering we used to live downtonw… we chalk it up for being 7:00am).

The breakfast was interesting. Some of the early morning risers included U of A Board of Governor’s Chair Jim Edwards (who is also a former Tory MP), Alberta Liberal Leader Kevin Taft, and U of A President Indira Samarasekera. The breakfast was interesting…. but too early…

The luncheon was interesting as well. 🙂 More details soon.

Also, did anyone in Edmonton hear the thunderstorm this afternoon??? It’s October!?!?! Rain and thunder? Weird.


bless sundays.

It’s a beautiful fall Sunday here in Edmonton. Warmish. Sunny. Big blue sky. Very nice.

John Duffy has a review of Stephen Clarkson‘s new bookThe Big Red Machine: How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics in this weekend’s Globe & Mail. Mr. Duffy, as some may know, is the author of one of our favorite Canadian Political books: “Fights of Our Lives: Elections, Leadership, and the Making of Canada” (We’re a little surprised we beat Mr. Cherniak in posting this, he must be busy this weekend. 😉

Also, as Mr. Ramson has posted, Federal NDP MP Ed Broadbent has released his party’s democratic reform package and it’s about darn-toot’n time (yes, darn-toot’n!) someone brought the democratic reform to the forefront in Parliament (save the lame “fighting the democratic deficit” rhetoric). We look forward to seeing how it the package is received in this fall’s session in the House of Commons.

Also, the Sugarbowl has the best coffee EVER! yum

ADDENUM 1.1: Care of a link from Will McBeath‘s blog, the Edmonton-area Federal Tories have set up a central site with links to their candidates websites. It’s an interesting semi-website, though the massive picture of Stephen Harper is slightly frightening.

ADDENUM 1.2: Damn. WFT, daveberta readers. It’s Sunday and all of our formerly favorite rightie bloggers are suddenly returning from the dead! First, Rempel. And now, Young. Craziness. We thought all the right-wingers were supposed to be in Church on Sunday (or something?)?!?!