It’s a beautiful fall Sunday here in Edmonton. Warmish. Sunny. Big blue sky. Very nice.
John Duffy has a review of Stephen Clarkson‘s new book“The Big Red Machine: How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics“ in this weekend’s Globe & Mail. Mr. Duffy, as some may know, is the author of one of our favorite Canadian Political books: “Fights of Our Lives: Elections, Leadership, and the Making of Canada” (We’re a little surprised we beat Mr. Cherniak in posting this, he must be busy this weekend. 
Also, as Mr. Ramson has posted, Federal NDP MP Ed Broadbent has released his party’s democratic reform package and it’s about darn-toot’n time (yes, darn-toot’n!) someone brought the democratic reform to the forefront in Parliament (save the lame “fighting the democratic deficit” rhetoric). We look forward to seeing how it the package is received in this fall’s session in the House of Commons.
Also, the Sugarbowl has the best coffee EVER! yum
ADDENUM 1.1: Care of a link from Will McBeath‘s blog, the Edmonton-area Federal Tories have set up a central site with links to their candidates websites. It’s an interesting semi-website, though the massive picture of Stephen Harper is slightly frightening.
ADDENUM 1.2: Damn. WFT, daveberta readers. It’s Sunday and all of our formerly favorite rightie bloggers are suddenly returning from the dead! First, Rempel. And now, Young. Craziness. We thought all the right-wingers were supposed to be in Church on Sunday (or something?)?!?!