Alberta Politics

Notley’s NDP leads in Q3 fundraising report

Elections Alberta disclosures from the third financial quarter of 2022 released today show Rachel Notley‘s NDP raised $1,435,563.94 , which is slightly more than the party raised in the second quarter of 2022.

The United Conservative Party, now led by Danielle Smith reported $974,640.57 in fundraising, a jump from the $521,175.21 raised in the last quarter. The resignation of Jason Kenney and the party’s leadership race may have sparked the interest and support of donors who had been financially withholding their support in previous months.

The Pro-Life Alberta Political Association placed third again this quarter, raising $51,126.94. The party was formed in 2017 after a group of of anti-abortion activists renamed the old Social Credit Party after taking it over in 2016. The party operates as a political action committee with the ability to issue generous tax receipts for political donations.

Here are what all of Alberta’s political parties are reporting they fundraised in the third quarter of 2022:

Alberta NDP: $1,435,563.94
United Conservative Party: $974,640.57
Pro-Life Alberta Political Association: $51,126.94
Alberta Party: $25,358.41
Liberal Party: $18,014.50
Independence Party of Alberta: $12,683.50
Green Party: $2,073.88
Wildrose Independence Party: $227.70
Alberta Advantage Party: $77.00

The Buffalo Party. Communist Party and Reform Party reported no money raised in July, August or September of 2022.

Report doesn’t tell the whole story, on purpose

Changes made by the UCP to political finance laws in 2021, money raised by constituency associations are no longer included in the quarterly disclosures. Constituency-level fundraising is now reported annually.

These disclosures released today show the full amount the NDP has fundraised because they report all their fundraising activity through the central party.

The other parties, including the UCP, report their constituency-level fundraising separately. So this disclosure, for example, would not include the funds raised by the Lacombe-Ponoka and Red Deer-North UCP constituency associations from their annual Derby fundraiser.

It is also unclear how much of funds were collected by the UCP in their leadership race, including membership sales and the $150,000 candidate entrance fee. I expect this will be disclosed in the party’s annual report to Elections Alberta, which should be released in early 2023.

Daveberta Substack reaches 1200 subscribers

A big thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the Daveberta Substack. We reached 1,200 subscribers yesterday!

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