I am excited to collaborate with ParityYeg to help them with a live dashboard tracking how many women are being nominated as candidates to run in Alberta’s next provincial general election. The leaders of the three main political parties have expressed their intent to recruit and nominate more women to run as candidates in the next provincial election.
As of today, in Alberta’s 87 electoral districts:
- 19 of 60 nominated United Conservative Party candidates are women (31 percent)
- 14 of 42 nominated Alberta Party candidates are women (33 percent)
- 13 of 25 nominated New Democratic Party candidates are women (52 percent)
- 2 of 3 nominated Green Party candidates are women (66 percent)
- 0 of 5 nominated Alberta Liberal Party candidates are women (0 percent)
Earlier today I posted maps showing where each of Alberta’s major political parties have nominated candidates. The maps in this post show where the NDP, UCP and Alberta Party have nominated women candidates, as of November 9, 2018.

As noted in my previous post, I realize that these maps do not clearly show the electoral districts in Lethbridge, Grande Prairie, Red Deer and the Edmonton area. I hope to have updated maps with those communities included in the near future.
In the districts missing from these maps, the New Democratic Party has nominated Maria Fitzpatrick in Lethbridge-East, Shannon Phillips in Lethbridge-West, and Barb Miller in Red Deer-South, the Alberta Party has nominated Ryan Mcdougal in Red Deer-South, and the United Conservative Party has nominated Tracy Allard in Grande Prairie Adriana LaGrange in Red Deer-North.
Note: I am a little embarrassed to admit that I forgot to shade-in Calgary-North West for the UCP, where Sonya Savage is nominated to run. I will fix this in my next map update.
If you know any candidates who have announced their intentions to stand for party nominations, please send me an email at david.cournoyer@gmail.com. I will add them to the list. Thank you!
15 replies on “Maps: Where are women nominated to run in Alberta’s election?”
Sonya Savage is nominated for the UCP in Calgary NW yet you have that riding blank on their Calgary map?
Thanks, Grover. You are correct. I will make sure Calgary-North West is shaded-in for the UCP in my next version of the maps.
Dave, what would be more interesting than “We have gender parity because it’s 2015” are your insights on the quality of various nominees by riding – without comment on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, BMI score etc., etc. That’s a bit of a tall order but laying out basic duties of an MLA (Vote on legislation, represent constituents, deal with constituent issues, talk to constituents and of course good gossip – might be a start.) would be a useful topic podcast.
Define woman, Dave. This trans lesbian and survivor who was disallowed from seeking an NDYA executive spot, because of a system that structurally ensures most trans women will be declared men, and who has been a candidate for office three times would very much like to know.
“Define woman, Dave.”
These are candidates who identify as women. I am happy to make corrections if I have made an error.
Yeah, you did make an error, Dave. You pursued a fundamentally transmisogynistic standard which erased three times this WOMAN ran for office. You ignored the barriers to male-assigned people accessing female-identification, something not-helped when the Notley Government spends public money entrenching HRT gatekeeping (not to mention marketizing reparative therapy via their GSA programme which is designed to reinforce identity at an age when the vast majority of trans women are still closeted…) while making it illegal to make a cis*woman feel overly inconvenienced on her way to exercise her reproductive freedom.
Either have the integrity to directly argue that I was a man when I was publicly sexually assaulted for having breasts and opinions at the same time in an Alberta school, or stop undercounting the number of women involved in Alberta politics in a way that benefits cis*women and calling it intersectional. Howabout we get identified-sex parity in homelessness too? Do you have a riding-by-riding map of how many CAMABs and CAFABs froze to death?
Thanks for the comment, Valerie. These maps indicate in which districts there are candidates who identify as women. I’m always open to constructive feedback, so if you know any nominated candidates who might identify differently, please let me know.
Thanks again.
Thank you for being intellectually honest enough to acknowledge that they identify as women.
By the by, at NDYA convention in 2000, in Nordegg, Brian Mason explained their way onto an all-CAFAB team during a team-building exercise with the line, “you don’t know how I identify.” That was the convention where my ostensible maleness was disqualifying (because that’s how implicit oppression operates, it’s not going to be cis men who lose under a quota system so much as closeted trans women, the neurologically female, with or without identification), so again, your refusal to see the root cause of our assigned-sex labour-market disparities as anything but discouragement of the female-assigned is pretty risible, and doesn’t jibe with reality.
Much like how you engaged in Ignoring Behavior with respect to Parity Yeg and their boardroom cisfeminism, when more people died from lack of a roof last year in this province than will earn a seat in the 30th Legislature.
You have a choiceism problem, sir, that ignores the classist, racists, and sexist barriers that make it easier for SOME to access that identity than others. And by the by, your low-key tone-policing comes off as hypocritical bourgeois morality. You might not feel that constructive, but I most certainly do.
Tell me how I became more moral, more inclusive, more worth including, more worth hearing from, more worth noting, by my virtue of being privileged enough to negotiate a gatekeeping system that puts Pierre Trudeau’s old abortion law to shame, and tell me how a party that instituted it is more feminist simply by virtue of having nominated more female-identified candidates… in a society… where IDENTITY IS COERCED.
That’s what constructive dialogue and reportage would look like, instead of you pretending that it’s important to highlight people at lower risk of homelessness, incarceration, and death, while pretending they’re marginalized.
Since you claim that the map is of female-identified candidates who’ve been nominated, will you at least update your post’s language to reflect that? Or are you just going to demonstrate that you believe I’m a former man, but don’t have the guts to say it?
Dear Ostensible Sir:
I reiterate, Mr. Cournoyer, the writing in your article, from headline down, should reflect what a woman who’s survived it maintains is your structurally transmisogynistic, choiceism-informed, standard as to who is and isn’t a woman, one which includes trans men until they get out (and data shows trans men who do get out get out much earlier) and which EXCLUDES trans women who have yet to come out.
You write women where female-identified should be, because you refuse to acknowledge barriers to accessing that identification in the first place, and the distributional effects of treating an avowed identity like a credential, with material implications.
You owe women who are presently navigating implicit and structural transmisogyny while having their avowed identity thrown in their face at every turn with the effect of making them sit down and shut-up, an apology. This practice is at marked variance with your stated intent of creating more spaces to encourage women in politics.
I am copying this comment, the THIRD one I have made since your microaggressive, classist, tone-policing-laden reply about welcoming constructive criticism, (the previous two of which you have not published) to my email folder, so that if your intransigent, and frankly, Quietly Abusive, behavior continues… I can read it publicly in future when it comes to noting the kind of gender politics, inclusion, and willingness to hear disparate voices that your organ represents.
Either have the integrity to declare explicitly that you believe me to be a former man, or correct your sexist and misleading article. In closing, I will again note that hostility to, and disdain for, oppressive behavior, especially when so fulsomely pinkwashed, is constructive, whether or not you would like to believe that.
Constructively and combatively,
Valerie Keefe
FEMALE former-candidate in Ward 1 (2001 Edmonton Municipal Election) the Federal Riding of Edmonton-Centre (2004 PC Party), and the provincial riding of Edmonton-Manning (2004 Social Credit), as well as the first President of the Grant MacEwan New Democrats (2000)
Hi Valerie,
I am struggling to understand what you’re getting at. Dave here has suggested that the candidates running have self-identified themselves as women, thus that is where the data is coming from. He cannot included closeted transgender men or women (who have yet to come out), because quite frankly, they haven’t come out yet, that data isn’t available. If someone is not comfortable to come out as a transgender woman, that’s their right to do that. We cannot presume someone is transgender or identifies with a gender unless they themselves come out and say it. Again, I don’t disagree with you, I am just trying to understand your perspective.
You also need to shade both Calgary – Shaw and Calgary – South East for the UCP map as both Rebecca Schulz and Eva Kiryakos won the tidings nominations.
Hey, it looks like these maps are based on the ones I made for Wikipedia. If you want something fillable that shows all 87 at once, I’m happy to spit something out for you. Let me know!
Thanks for the comment, Jared. That would be great. I will shoot you an email. Thanks!
Dave, do you happen to have data on how many LGBTQ candidates have been nominated by each party? I know it is much difficult to find that information but it would be helpful to see the diversity in other factors as well. Thanks.