Alberta Politics

thorny wildrose candidate’s intolerant views are out of step with modern alberta.

It is not very often that you see a candidate for public office in Alberta reference the Book of Revelation.

Allan Hunsperger Wildrose Party Edmonton South West
Wildrose Party candidate Allan Hunsperger

In a tirade against gays and lesbians on his website last summer, Edmonton-South West Wildrose Party candidate Allan Hunsperger evoked references from the Old Testament about ‘lakes of fire’ while he criticized a policy created by the elected trustees of the Edmonton Public School Board that would help fight bullying and ensure safe spaces for all students, especially those who are or are perceived to be sexual minorities.

What should bother Albertans most about these comments are that they are not a case of run of the mill redneck homophobia. Mr. Hunsperger’s comments were partially directed toward children in Edmonton’s Public School system.

Are you wondering how this could possibly be worse?

Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith refuses to condemn Mr. Hunsperger’s comments. Ms. Smith told reporters that “when a person is making personal statements in their capacity as a pastor, which he was, I don’t think anybody should be surprised that they’re expressing certain viewpoints.”

There is such thing as personal viewpoints and there is such thing as prejudice and intolerance.

There are well-meaning candidates running under the Wildrose Party banner in this election, but the controversial views of some of Ms. Smith’s potential cabinet ministers should be of concern to Albertans.

Read Mr. Hunsperger’s comments for yourself:

Sunday, 05 June 2011 09:55
Born this Way
Written by Allan & Cindy Hunsperger

I have decided to do a sequel to Lady Gaga’s CD, “Born this Way.” My CD will be entitled, “Born this Way – And that’s why Jesus came.”The world is believing the lie that because you were “born this way” you now have a right to live this way – the way you were born. Sounds great at first except nobody is mentioning what the results will be of living the way you were born!If you were “born this way,” are you going to “die this way?” Well if that is true, and it is, then you have fallen right into the trap that is as old as time. That trap is what satan wants for you – but is that what you want?You see, you can live the way you were born, and if you die the way you were born then you will suffer the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, hell, a place of eternal suffering. Now at this point I am not judging, I am just stating a fact! You may not believe me and you have that choice, but I would challenge you to seriously check it out because once you cross over, there is no turning back. It is not only Lady Gaga that doesn’t understand this, it is also our educators with the Edmonton Public school board. The following is right from the public school board’s website: “PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATION STATEMENT The Board is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe, inclusive, equitable, and welcoming learning and teaching environment for all members of the school community. This includes those students, staff, and families who identify or are perceived as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two- spirit, queer or questioning their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The Board expects all members of our diverse community to be welcomed, respected, accepted, and supported in every school.” Why this from our public educators? Because they believe people were “born this way” and have a right to die this way. The blind leading the blind! Now every Christian school that has come under the Edmonton Public School board will have to adopt this as well. Trapped! For years I have warned Christian educators that you can’t partner with public education because public education is godless. As far as public education is concerned, there is no God. The dictionary defines godless as profane or wicked. Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel (teachings) of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.”There is so much I could teach on from this point but I will stick to the subject and then all the other subjects that come out of this, I can speak to later. Back in the eighties Holy Spirit revealed to me a truth that I have never forgotten. Our family was flying from California back to Calgary and we had to make a change over in San Francisco. As we were waiting for our plane to leave, two men who were homosexuals were also waiting and we began to share in conversation. Once they found out that I was a pastor the conversation went to their lifestyle and they began to expand how we as Christians have judged them wrongly. Then one of the men said to me, “You will never understand what it is like to be born one way and have society expect to you live another.” Immediately Holy Spirit dropped this in my mouth and I said, “You know, I do understand, because I was born the same way. I was born living one way and God expects me to live another way. I can’t do that on my own and that’s why Jesus Christ came so I could be changed.”Warning people to not live the way they were born is not judgment or condemnation – it is love! Accepting people the way they are is cruel and not loving!

88 replies on “thorny wildrose candidate’s intolerant views are out of step with modern alberta.”


Under the principle of fairness you should correct your post to state that the statement was posted on his church website in a personal pastoral blog, and not on “his website” since your wording implies that he posted it on his Wildrose candidate website.

Well, I agree with Danielle Smith. It should surprise no one. He is an evangelical pastor. Unless it happens to be with the United Church or some other more socially liberal church, it’s a given that these are his views. His crime was stating his religious views–he didn’t say one thing that isn’t the orthodoxy of that school of Christianity.

It’s up to the voters in Edmonton-South West if they want that kind of person as their representative, but frankly they should have known that’s what they’d be getting already, and there was already a good number of these people in government. There’s very little difference between the PCs and the Wildrose on this issue. Both have leaders who have stated their social liberalism and lead a caucus of social conservatives.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

It should be no revelation that this is typical of a WR candidate. Not for any rational Albertan anyway. They are mostly social conservatives and disaffected rightwing tories. The ‘bozo interruption insurance’ that Smith has initiated should be a dead giveaway – don’t give away our real plan before (and if) we get elected.

I hope they keep true to their word on the recall promise. Because if they do, they are in for a big surprise if they get in. Naaaah! Can’t see them coming through on that on or any other promise. What I’m really astonished with is how gullible a lot of voters seem to be You really think Smith is going to enact even 1/10 of these promises? You must also believe the cheque is in the mail.

Thank you, Dave. You are one of the few, and possibly one of the only, people to bring attention to his stance on education. His intolerance goes beyond sexual minorities to include those who do not follow the word of God as he sees.

People have wondered why he wasn’t screened out as a candidate and are calling for her to do it now. The issue is, he shares the same extremist beliefs as not only some of the other candidates, but the founding members of the WRP as well – so to do so would go against the foundation of their party. If he is punted it will only be because of mounting public pressure, not because they find his views wrong. But he is only one of many hidden behind the smart woman in the pretty red coat. She was chosen as their leader – not because she shares their same views, but because she is more likely to be accepted by Albertans, resulting in an elected government -“the lipstick on the pig”. Looks like Link Byfield was right – he predicted exactly that in his 2009 article posted below. 

I don’t understand Danielle Smith’s defence of Hunsperger. Why shouldn’t people be surprised that a pastor holds these viewpoints? Is she implying that being religious is not analogous with homophobia?

The ‘bozo interruption insurance’ is still being held over those whose bids for nominations weren’t successful, which makes you wonder how much more extreme they were–or were they unsuccessful because they were too moderate?

The spotlight is now on the personal views of Wildrose candidates, and legitimately so, as Danielle Smith has spent her time as leader assuring those who share Mr. Hunsperger’s views href=”″ a place in her party and the ability to influence policy.

Granted, Smith could have changed her mind on free votes, citizen referendums and legislating on moral issues from when the interview linked above was filmed (May 2011). However, that’s quite a dramatic shift in policy that requires further explanation than just her personal position on these issues and what’s legal.

Smith’s failure to adequately respond to Mr. Hunsperger’s comments and her contradictory stances with respect to the Wildrose legislating on moral issues leaves the door open to “secret agenda” allegations. The only way to dismiss these concerns is for her to unequivocally condemn Mr. Hunsperger’s comments, and clearly state that those views have no place in the Wildrose. Until that occurs, the rumours and insinuations will only continue.

The spotlight is now on the personal views of Wildrose candidates, and legitimately so, as Danielle Smith has spent her time as leader assuring those who share Mr. Hunsperger’s views here a place in her party and the ability to influence policy.

Granted, Smith could have changed her mind on free votes, citizen referendums and legislating on moral issues from when the interview linked above was filmed (May 2011). However, that’s quite a dramatic shift in policy that requires further explanation than just her personal position on these issues and what’s legal.

Smith’s failure to adequately respond to Mr. Hunsperger’s comments and her contradictory stances with respect to the Wildrose legislating on moral issues leaves the door open to “secret agenda” allegations. The only way to dismiss these concerns is for her to unequivocally condemn Mr. Hunsperger’s comments, and clearly state that those views have no place in the Wildrose. Until that occurs, the rumours and insinuations will only continue.

It shouldn’t be that surprising. The existing WR was a takeover of the already formed Alliance party – not a new party in and of itself. Although the “A” has pretty much been expunged, no doubt supporters of the “A” component are still within the party and this one happens to be a candidate. If elected, he has a base and that will be determined by voters in his riding. I’m all for religion not being a part of politics or political decisions, but in AB it is likely impossible.

No offense, but I think the spotlight should be on the personal views on all the candidates of all the parties. Not sure how the PCs of all parties have gotten a free pass on this – particularly since they still have folks like Morton in the party and have historically produced such enlightened folks as Stockwell Day. This PC party already tried to implement conscience rights as recent as 2005 and 2006 – having the support of the majority of the PC Caucus at that time. That move also considered using the notwithstanding clause to Charter rights. Funny Redford did not mention that in the debate or during the rest of this campaign. Has the Conservative party really changed so much – did all the Allan Hunsperger types actually leave the PC party in a flood to Wildrose – as PC spin-doctors have claimed? I am also curious since the religious views of Danielle Smith have been so heavily examined: what is Alison Redfords’s religion? I feel since she has made this campaign so much about that subject – that she owes the people of Alberta an explanation of her own faith. Do her own religious views, whatever the may be, or its religious establishment, support or contradict her public policy statements? What about all the other first-time or even veteran PC Candidates? If we are looking into Wildrose why not everyone else?

P.S. Should we also impose a religious litmus test for Alberta politicians (i.e. only accept candidates whose religious doctrine is consistent with the views of modern Alberta)? This might result in excluding some evangelicals, all Catholics – given the views of the Vatican on issues like abortion and gay rights, along with a host of other religions.

Mr. Allan Hunsperger has it spot on. He’s not accusing homesexuals of being what they are and condemning them for it. He’s pleading with them, and everyone who is ‘born this way’ that this isn’t the way we were meant to be. He states in his closing remarks that he himself is in the same boat (as are we all). A sinner.

As to Mrs. Redford’s comments on the blog, I am appalled that she would condemn the views of a person’s legitimate perspective. The last shred of respect I had for this woman as a potential leader for this province has been torn away. Do we really want her running this government; one by one she’ll squash out each minority that opposes her Human Rights Act. There will be no freedom. There will be no peace.

Hmmm, I would vote for this man.
Most of the candidates in all the parties so far have just made me angry with all their extreme statements. But this man just posted on his personal website, and I agree with what he says. I am a sinner, and I need to repent every day of my sins, and all people are born just as sinful. The fact is that everybody needs to repent and turn to Jesus for salvation from that ‘lake of fire’, otherwise we just are eternally condemned to it.
Maybe what he wrote will help more people now that you have publicised it. I sure hope so. People need all the reminders they can get.

Not that this is a good thing, but Hunsperger’s views are not so out of step with MANY Albertan’s that I know. Ask any Albertan living an alternative lifestyle how prevalent views like his are.

If we want a government that represents the views of its people, there has been, and will continue to be folks like Hunsperger elected.

Isn’t the difference between the PC and the WR on this issue the fact that the WR will allow free votes? Redford will be able to prevent these views from affected votes and Smith does not want to do that.

That said, this is Alberta so I have no faith that enough people will be turned off by these views.

I’m also concerned that a potential MLA doesn’t know how to find the “Return” key on his computer keyboard. Apart from being batshit crazy, that’s one looooong paragraph.

Bigotry isn’t limited to party lines, and it’s a bit rich to point out that a candidate’s views colour the whole party.

Anyone remember Vic Doerkson?

‘Nuff said.

BWS: Agreed. These types of attitudes are not limited to the Wildrose Party. I point Mr Hunsperger’s comments out because of their severity against public education and his relative obscurity to most voters.

One of the stranger aspects of Obama’s showdown with Congress last summer over the federal budget was the way pundits tried to appear even-handed by blaming both sides equally–when the tea-party-fueled congress was clearly being more unreasonable. The fact that every party has its cranks doesn’t mean that one party (WR in this case) doesn’t have more cranks.

15 years of living outside the city and in a small rural farming community and it is my opinion that Hunsperger’s religious and personal views are not wildly out of step with most rural Albertan’s. Even if they are draconian and depressing.

It’s clear Alberta has a problem with a lack of critical thinking. What are the schools teaching in high school social studies and English classes?

He should be removed from the party. His beliefs are so strong, it would prevent him from being open-minded and approachable on any topic. He would revert to the bible on every issue including contraception, abortion, gay marriage. The word of the bible would trump any one persons rights as an individual. The fact that the Wildrose has allowed this person to represent their party speaks volumes. There is a lot of religious undertones and over tones to this party that are eerily similar to the Republican base in the US that spout God every chance they get and repealing womens rights because of religious freedoms. Run away from this party as they backpeddle out of their own platform and comments, they are not looking at representing the interests of all Albertans, only the people that hold the same religious views. This will be a step back for all people in Alberta.

Wont change my mind about voting WR… Glad he’s not running in my riding though. 🙂

That said… I hate Rob Anders as well, but he’s not in my riding either. I got Stevo for my guy.

Check out the Hawkwood PC guy. He believes in the PC party so deeply he lives in edgemont, and doesn’t donate to his own campaign.

At least the frothing pastor has commitment.

But even if homosexuals are going to burn in a lake of fire when they die, why should the Edmonton Public School Board be mean to them while they live? Public means it’s for everybody. All the public school board is saying is that the school experience shouldn’t be any worse for gay kids than for straight. Regardless of what happens when they die, which is not a matter for the public school board anyway.

Wow, not just to Hunsperger, but to some of the commenters as well. Intolerance is just hate neatly wrapped up for pious display. Essentially, he supports bullying of children who don’t recognize their terrible sin. Shame on him, and shame on those who overlook his personal opinion in the pursuit of power. I think his quote “public education is godless.” certainly suits him for the position of Education Minister in this new Wildrose Reality.

Well… by that standard neither is Redford then. You can’t paint an entire party with the statements of one individual, and frankly no matter whose party it is, there is the concept of freedom of speech in this country.

You don’t have to agree with the guy, but isn’t it better to have his bigoted ass out in public where you can keep an eye on him?

Danielle did the right thing, she made him agree not to pursue an agenda that is outside of the stated party platform, and obviously given he’s running in a riding and regardless of banner, there is enough supporters to allow him to run, so whether you or I agree or disagree with his comments, some obviously do within his constituancy.

Never forget the immortal words of Evelyn Hall, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.

That is my Alberta, plain and simple. There will always be small minded people, there will always be people of religion, there will always be… period. Don’t disapprove of them speaking out, encourage them to speak out, even when you don’t like the message.

Let them all come out of the closet, idiots, bigots, chauvinists alike.

That way we know to keep an eye on them lest they find ways to subvert our societies liberal views.

Don’t make the mistake of equating conservatism with socially conservative. They are not the same thing, and most Albertan conservatives are fairly socially liberal, but fiscally conservative, and that is why Redford is losing.

She doesn’t understand that simple thing. Apparently Joe Albertan you don’t either.

What you don’t understand, Joe Calgary, is that Danielle Smith is anything but conservative. She’s good at the sound bites but would be a terrible leader.

Joe Calgary,

Isn’t there a better way of keeping an eye on “idiots, bigots, chauvinists ” than electing them to run the government? It makes me wonder who didn’t make the cut for WR.

I find his comments about homosexuality untrue and offensive and religion does not cure everything.His approach to things seems to be backwards and how can he prove there is a lake of fire and how can he prove that’s where some are going? He states he is just telling the truth. I don’t think thast judgement over others is too widely accepted either! Poor Lady Ga Ga for being used in his arguments.
So Many Answers To Questions New And Age Old Lie Beyond The Pages Of The Bible

What you have obviously missed Joe Calgary is that this guy isn’t the only religious kook within the party, with VERY far right values and beliefs. The thing is politics and religion don’t mix and these candidates have seem to forgotten that. They seem to think that a political venue will be the best way to get their views, values and beliefs forced into our society. THAT is absolutely NOT the point of government. It is to protect the rights of EVERYONE!I quite frankly am afraid of this party and their current value systems. Would you like that nut to be the minister of justice or education?

Religion should NOT be allowed in politics or education especially the views of the far right wing nuts.

I don’t care to weigh in on the content of Hunsperger’s article, but lots of the comments (and indeed Dave’s original post) come awfully close to prejudicial themselves.

It’s not okay to be prejudicial against homosexuality but it is okay to be prejudicial against religious orthodoxy?

When the WR takes power, all of you Godless Liberals will tossed out of the province. Time to repent your sins you degenerates. >:(

In a statement, Hunsberger said: “The views I expressed in this blog posting are my own personal religious views and were given in the capacity as a church pastor. I fully support equality for all people, and condemn any intolerance based on sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic.”

I know Allan Hunsperger personally. As a federal Green candidate (twice) in Vegreville-Wainwright, I was invited to his church in Tofield on a number of occasions to forums. He hosted them not so much for his own congregation but for the whole town. These events were always well-attended, fair and moderate.

Although I understood his views and the depth at which he holds them, he never made me feel I couldn’t talk about my own freely. I found him willing to listen to alternative points of view… though I knew I was talking to someone who would never change.

Feels quite odd, actually, having all this erupt about someone I’ve actually had dealings with.

Perhaps Hunsperger will eventually receive treatment for his delusional belief in fictions like “satan” and “lakes of fire”. Certainly, it would be unacceptable for any legislation to be based on such predjudicial mythology.
Why then, is it any more acceptable for Raj Sherman to conjure equally predjudicial fantasies in support of his proposed legislations? Sherman supposedly said: “It’s tragic when you see asthmatic children in full attack being rushed to emergency by parents who smoke all the way there”. No such persons exist, and Sherman’s claim to have “seen” this personally is a bald-faced lie. Akin to the falsehoods which eugenicists concocted, about habitually morally degenerate half-wits they supposedly “studied” (who never existed, in fact), to support their sterilization legislation.

Its pretty sad that people ostensibly interested in politics are so easily distracted from the real issues of the campaign. The media coverage of the policies of the major parties, both in print, on TV and on the web has left a lot to be desired. The only reasonable analysis of the parties platforms I have seen was in the U of A’s Gateway Magazine. Pretty sad when the student journos set the standard in the province.

This collection of rigid evangelicals makes me glad to be an atheist.Such lack of tolerance and compassion from so called “Christians.” Jesus said” As ye do unot yhe least of my brethren-so you do unto me”.”Reverned”Hunsberger you aren’t a very nice person hiding behind the religion cloak. Alberta is full of your ilk.

2006, Ted Morton led the charge against legalizing Gay Marriage in Alberta. Square that away with your sentiments regarding Wildrose Alberta Jane… perhaps you’d like me to trot out some of the choice statements made by many others within the PC Party? I’ll happily oblige you.

I miss very little, you on the other hand assume everything.

Joe Albertan, I’ve met her, drank with her, I know her husband, and have friends who are their friends. I’m fairly comfortable with my take on Danielle Smith.

That said, and as much as I do like her, I’m not voting for Danielle Smith, I’m voting for Jeff Wilson and an end to the PC’s, and Wildrose is the most logical choice in that regard.

Gary Allen, I find his comments offensive as well… that doesn’t mean I would stop him from making them, and when you do, you start down a slippery road my friend.

Rather you fire back, you state your position, and make him support his.

The best and most effective way to put down a bigot, is to make him the center of attention long enough for him to expose his bigotry, and then let the good judgement of the people take care of the rest.

That is the whole point, if every, and I do mean every, politician was held to their belief standards in relation to their responsibility to their constituency, none of them would ever get in to office.

I’ve yet to meet a politician who doesn’t walk in the path of hypocrisy relative to their personal life over their political life.

Holding political office by default makes you a hypocrite, because it is an office whose foundation is based on compromise.

Paul Martin is a devote Catholic, yet he stood against his Christian beliefs when the Church started pressuring him over abortion… why, because he liked his job for one thing, but also because he realized that he had to keep his church and state separate.

Technically he risked excommunication. Abortion to the Catholic Church is murder, and murder is a Cardinal Sin.

Guess what the Catholic Church says about Homosexuality?

They damn near did excommunicate him over Gay Marriage.

Now reconcile that with the fact that over 40% of this province are Catholic.

More to the point, I’ve never met a Muslim who would support Gay Marriage…not to say there are not some out there, but the majority of the Muslim population probably doesn’t have any issue with the Pastors words.

Lots of Muslim voters in this province.

Jay, of course there’s a better way… unfortunately that is the very way that people like Hitler or Stalin ended up slaughtering millions.

You can’t have your say without accepting that others deserve theirs. That is what a free society accepts as the price tag of its freedom. When you seek to muzzle another, you actually sacrifice your own freedom in the process.

You govern for the majority, within acceptable norms as deemed acceptable to the majority. Your reality, my reality, they are different, but just similar enough that we can get along for the most part, your personal beliefs are yours, my personal beliefs are mine, and neither of us has the right to diminish the others.

Every one was scared of Harper… turns out he’s a bit of a pussycat doesn’t it. This is a guy with a mandate, a majority, and control of both houses. He could cause some serious shit, but look, all he does is govern. From the center. Why, because he’s not an idiot, and he likes being PM, so he’s seeking to keep as many people happy or at least not too pissed off as he can.

Doesn’t mean we don’t have the right to express our own views, and never forget, one mans crank might just be another’s savior.

Alberta Jane, Josephine Alberta, you show yourselves to be the bigots in the pact… at least Mr. Hunsperger is honest in his convictions… not correct maybe, but honest.

I’d rather an honest man who was wrong than a dishonest UN Lawyer who can’t admit when she’s wrong, and if it came to choice I’d choose an Economist, or even a Doctor before I’d choose a Lawyer to look after the interests of Alberta.

You tell me, who would you rather trust with your money and your families economic future. A fiscally conservative economist, a fiscally liberal doctor, or a social tinkering lawyer, or a communist.

That’s your decision on April 23rd. It’s that simple on a macro level. If you live in Hunspergers riding, I’d guess that for many the choice got a little harder is all. My Wildrose candidate is a perfectly normal candidate in every sense of the word…

After hearing some different viewpoints on this and considering it, I take a bit of a contrarian take on this. Danielle Smith is right, at least according to her own apparent views on the rights of party members, not to throw this candidate under the bus.

I disagree with Hunsperger’s views and if I lived in his riding I would not vote for him. But he has a right to run, and a right to be in government if the voters in his riding so choose. Smith’s approach to party politics is very member-based and democratic; although she is a pro-choice, pro-gay rights libertarian, she’s not going to enforce that view on her candidates. So in that respect, she should allow anyone who wants to run under a Wildrose banner to compete for the nomination and to run as a Wildrose candidate if they win that nomination, whether that person is an evangelical social conservative, a social democrat, a communist, a libertarian, whatever, and she should respect that person’s input in policy making should her party win government. She should not stop someone from running just because they have views different from the leader or views that are controversial.

She is exhibiting some hypocrisy in that she insists her party “won’t legislate on contentious moral issues.” According to this apparent approach on free votes and taking direction from her caucus/party members, she shouldn’t be able to guarantee that.

There are all sorts of different views in WRA. Rob Anders, the vocal pro WRA MP and former roomate with Danielle Smith shares her Libertarian, Ayn Rand views. For many years he has flaunted the phone number in his Calgary MP’s Office which ends in 666, the traditional number associated with Satan. 666 is also known as the Devil’s number or the Mark of the Beast. He refuses to change the number even though he knows it’s significance to many Christians. Ayn Rand was a vocal atheist whose written works are like Bibles to the WRA’s dominant Ayn Rand supporters.

I find it interesting that people are not asking the WRA more about the Ayn Rand Objectivist view which can be summed up with the phrase “Greed is good.” Libertarians are often virulently anti-labour, anti-government at all levels and even often anti-military in opposing anything but defense. Look at Ron Paul, the U.S. Presidential candidate for a Libertarian who is not so coy regarding these views. Will Danielle Smith reject many of these Libertarian tenets or will she govern by them if she wins?

And I’m certain there are no members of the Conservative Party of Canada who share similar views.. a club, incidentally, that Alison Redford sought to join in 2004.

And of course, under Harper, there has been a continual assault on the interests of homosexuals.. what? There hasn’t? Well, how could that be?

In Calgary-Greenway ,Wildrose candidate has opined that he has the best chance of winning his riding–because HE’S WHITE.

From Edmonton Journal:

“I think as a Caucasian I have an advantage,” Ron Leech told a radio station on the weekend. “When different community leaders such as a Sikh leader or a Muslim leader speak, they really speak to their own people in many ways. As a Caucasian, I believe that I can speak to all the community.”

Dr. Leech, who holds a doctorate from an unaccredited institution, later apologized and said he meant to say that he was under no disadvantage because he is white. Once again, Danielle Smith has refused to condemn her candidate, saying, among other things, that every candidate should put forward their best argument for being elected.

Alison Redford.

Ran for nomination in the Harper government in 2004.. along with current Conservative MP, David Sweet, who happens to have been the CEO of “Promise Keepers”, a Christian Mens organization who happens to beleive that homosexuality can be “cured” and who has stated, openly, that homosexuality is a “sin”.

The same Alison Redford who, as Minister of Justice, brought through Bill 44, a bill which many gay rights groups argued was state sanctioned anti-gay discrimination.

Why no discussion on that point?

Ignoring, as well, the reality that official church dogma of Catholics, Methodists, Evangelicals, Jews, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Muslims all suggest homosexuality is gay.



Shouldn’t we start asking very candidate from every party what church THEY belong to?

Or is there only one party open to scrunity on this point?

So if he is running in your riding, do not vote for him. And do not vyte for Ted Morton in his riding cause he opposed gay marriage in 2006, and do not vote for Redford cause shie world with self professed communist Mandela ( by the way a great man- interesting Redford set up a govt by referendum- so do not vote for her cause she says it is no way to run a govt). Grow up folks – joe Calgary says it best.
All those Catholics, Muslims that are successful candidates park it at the door- nSmith and her candidates will also. S get over yourselves and quit looking under rocks- you look desparate. ( oh sorry,you are)

Look on the bright side, Rural gal, the WR is cleaning up on those $1000 bonds. They’re set to come out of the election in the black (I mean that in the accounting sense).

Hey Rural Gal. Up until a few hours ago the toughest question D Smith had to answer was “What’s your opinion on being so awesome?” With her contacts in the media (she worked for The Herald, and Global – she’s married to a Sun Media Executive for crying out loud) she has been as sheltered as a rose raised in a green house. Now it’s time for her to face the real world. D Smith is auditioning for premier, and if her best defense is “I need a nap” then she’s going to fail the audition. “Wild” Rose? Ha. She’s a hothouse rose. Seriously, I can’t imagine how she will control her own MLAs if she gets elected. She reminds me of Big Nurse in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

Would sure like this one to get some publicity.

Ron Leech: “It is biblically, morally and practically reprehensible for the government to pretend that two men or two women engaged in mutual stimulation are the same as a husband and wife, as potential parents. Marriage is not about equal rights; it isn’t a special-interest group. It is a repository for the future of humanity.

All Canadians — including childless homosexuals — benefit from a healthy marriage culture. All Canadians pay the price in increased taxes, mental illness, crime and human suffering when mothers and fathers choose to divorce or not marry. Adding same-sex marriages to a hodgepodge of family groupings will only worsen the confusion.”

First Dave let me help you with some of your research, which you may not have bothered to do. The term “lake of fire” is found in the book of Revelation which is in the New Testamant. Next you speak of Mr. Hunsberger’s comment as a “tirade” against gays and lesbians. I suggest a careful second or third reading and you will find not denunciation against homosexuals but a deep personal spiritual concerns for all persons, and in this case, especially homosexuals, and children in Edmonton’s Public School system. As a pastor, as citizen and yes even as a candidate in an election he has the democratic right to freedom of religion and to speak out about things he beleives in and why. You along with a long list of others have mischarcaterized his comments and his intentions. As for the yet to be passed new Education act, as it currently stands it poses to not prevent bullying but direct it to others, teachers, parents and yes children in Edmonton’s Public School system for expressing their moral and religious views as they should have every right to do so in a free and democratic society. I’ll close with Voltaire, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” Can you, Allison Redford and a long list of others in this province say that and mean it? I can.

“…if you die the way you were born then you will suffer the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, hell, a place of eternal suffering.” Written by Allan & Cindy Hunsperger.

A supernatural being that punishes gays? Why would you believe such a thing? The bigger issue is DS’s “pas de problem” attitude. Has she upped her meds? She seems detached, vacant and … absent.

Rob H. “…ignoring the reality that official church dogma of Catholics, Methodists, Evangelists, Jews,Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses and Muslims all suggest that homosexuality is gay.”
What kind of a non-comment is that? Homosexual = gay. Any gay person will tell you that (if you know any gay people). Or are you using “gay” as a pejorative? If so, you are a homophobe.
Your rambling diatribe is a failed attempt to deflect attention away from the stunningly poor quality of the Wild Rose slate. I’m sure the rapidly depleting support base for this just-to-the-right-of-Ghengis Khan” party is keeping those few still aboard the St. Danielle express to nowhere awake at night. Maybe that’s why Dani is “too tired” to respond to media who are starting to genuinely question her party’s obvious deficiencies.

“As a pastor, as citizen and yes even as a candidate in an election he has the democratic right to freedom of religion and to speak out about things he beleives in and why.”

Indeed, as every one of us have the right to call him a nut job because he wants to see government policy shaped by a book passed down verbally 2000-3000 years ago by nomadic shepherds who believed burning bushes could talk.

Another reason not to vote for the Wildrose or Conservatives. I’m voting for Michael Walters and the Alberta Party.

As opposed to what baiting Tories… anyway, the new polls out show that none of the comments are really sticking. That shows you how pissed off Albertan’s are with the PC’s… even Leger can’t spin it anymore.

Politics, like most professions should not be based on personal opinions, but rather the common good of of the people. Some people will stand for one thing and others something else. So try keeping such personal opinions out of a provincial issue. Yes there are gays and lesbians in Alberta. There are also Buddhist, Muslims, Catholic, and so on. And trying to repress, or control these minorities is not for the common good! This control as been fought over for millions of years. Leaving “the wrong” sort of people jailed, alienated or much worse. We are a society of unique people. A mass of people. And should be thought of as such. Try keeping politics professional, and remembering what is best for one person may not be best for everyone.

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