Following up on my previous post with the NDP video from the Press Gallery Christmas Party, here is the Liberal Party video shown at the annual party:
(thanks to Earl J. Woods for posting it online)
Following up on my previous post with the NDP video from the Press Gallery Christmas Party, here is the Liberal Party video shown at the annual party:
(thanks to Earl J. Woods for posting it online)
9 replies on “rajey.”
Raj: Starring Raj.
As I expected.
Where’s the PC and Wildrose videos?
(The Alberta party hardly matters.)
Chris: Yes.
Bob: The NDP and Liberals are the only two parties who have posted the videos online. The Alberta Party video was actually pretty good, and I would even say that it was the best video this year. You’ll have to take my word on it, as it’s not online.
Ii actually found this one a bit lame. The NDP video was much more tongue-in-cheek, despite the cheesy special effects and overdubbing.
I was disappointed Laurie Blakeman did not appear as Adriiiaaannnnnnn!
Last year’s NDP one was leak-worthy, but the two seen so far this year… yuck. Time to go to back to the old tradition of not letting the public see these things. Seems like a lot of wasted resources at the Legislature.
Dave, this is why I enjoy your blog…you never know what’s going to show up. Thanks for posting these videos. We can all use the levity.
Love the AUPE toque!