



bo bomery.

Last night, on Halloween, we joined around 100-200 University of Alberta students on the annual Trick or Eat event, collecting donations for the campus foodbank in the neighbourhoods around campus (Belgravia, Windsor Park, Garneau). It was alot of fun and felt like being a little kid again! Our group alone collected about 3 bins of food! Also… lots of candy!

We thought about dressing up as our favorite Whitehouse character, Scooter, but we didn’t think anyone would get it. So, we dressed up as a business student instead. 😉

Also…. our advanced copy never showed and Johnny G. wasn’t answering his cell, so….

gomery gomery bo bomery banana fana fo fomery. fee fie fo fomery… GOMERY!


advanced gomery

We’re sitting here waiting for our advanced copy of the Gomery Report to arrive via Fedex… it hasn’t arrived yet. We’re only waiting 1 more hour before we call Johnny G. to see where our copy is.



It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do only a little. Do what you can.

Sydney Smith
1771-1845, Writer and Clergyman


cold hearted bastard.

Though we deplore AIDS and Cancer jokes, we are less than partial to the odd tsunami joke…

(Props to Nastyboy for the quiz linkage)



We went to the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra last Friday (with our noses tilted slightly higher).

It was nice. Bill Eddins, the conductor, rocks. He was all over the place. It was entertaining to just watch him.

(Also, Canada Post has earned a spot in our naughty book this past week. No Christmas card for them this year.)



Happy Halloween.


now with 60% more hippies.

The Green Party of Canada is holding a logo design contest… we couldn’t help but join the fun!

Here’s what we came up with…

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The Turino Winter Olympics are going to be held February 10-26, 2006.

We’re looking forward to it.


what happened after…

…we posted the leaked Alberta rebate cheques designs.

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banff vs. jasper.

Being the political nerds we are, we thought we’d look back at some of the results from last November’s Provincial Election.

Today, we look at the results from two of Alberta’s well-known Rocky Mountain towns: Banff and Jasper. Though this post shouldn’t be mistaken for a “cognative analysis” of any kind, we hope you enjoy the charts we made. 😉

We didn’t find it very surprising that Banff voters supported a more right-wing party, but we were a little surprised at the political plurialism found in the beautiful mountain town of Jasper… we knew there was a reason why we like Jasper more than Banff…

A quick look at the electoral history of Jasper, in the West Yellowhead riding, will show that it has elected opposition MLA’s in the past. New Democrat Jerry Doyle (1989-93) and Liberal Duco VanBinsbergen (1993-97). In 1997, VanBinsbergen was edged out by Tory Ivan Strang. In 2001, Strang cruised to re-election and was also re-elected in 2004. So, West Yellowhead has a tradition of sometime electing opposition MLA’s…

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Banff, in the Banff-Cochrane riding, voted fairly solidly Tory, though we were very surprised at the strength of the Alberta Green vote in Banff, edging out the Liberals for second place.

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Not that was wanted to prove anything critical with this post. We just like making charts.

AA = Alberta Alliance
AG = Alberta Greens
LIB = Alberta Liberals
ND = Alberta NDP
PC = Progressive Conservative


welcome to the mother ship.

Nice to see that 10 years after the boom began, they’re finally thinking about coordinating development in the Oil Sands…

…in a press release from Alberta’s Public Affairs Bureau and Alberta Energy released the other day titled “Province Developing a plan to Coordinate Oil Sands Development.”


“The environment is our Mother ship, and it is important that we focus on sustainable development that preserves the natural resources and beauty of our province.”
– Alberta Environment Minister Guy Boutillier

Welcome to the Mother Ship


our scoop.

Holy smokes…

It appears our scoopage of the Globe & Mail on the Alberta rebate cheque designs story (much to the dismay of mr. c-lo) has boosted our blog traffic up a little bit from to the usual daily 90-100ish to around 400 visitors today.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed and come back to visit. 🙂

(Extra props go to Calgary Grit, Dust My Broom, Red Between the Lines, and Matthew Good (we own 3 of your CD’s…) for the linkage – which had much to do with the boost in traffic – sorry if we missed anyone).


prosperity cheque designs leaked!

The designs of Alberta’s upcoming rebate cheques have been leaked to us at daveberta by a crafty individual with close ties to the Alberta government.

Here they are….

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UPDATE/WARNING: It’s been insinuated that these may not actually be the real Alberta rebate/prosperity cheque designs. As disappointing as this is, we urge you to view them at your own risk – and yes, we realize the irony of having the ‘warning’ at the bottom of the post… (also, if you like ponies and pachyderms)


diamonds are forever.

It’s very windy outside.

For those of you interested, we’re currently reading the Canadian Institute for Resource Law‘s Independent Review of the BHP Diamond Mine Process (June 30, 1997) for our Canadian Public Policy Seminar.

It’s more interesting than it sounds.

Also, has anyone listened to the new Franz Ferdinand album? (which of course, could never be good as the first Franz Ferdinand) We’re sorry to say we’re slightly disappointed this time around…