Environment Universal Transit Pass University of Alberta University of Alberta Students` Union


This is great!

Voting wrapped up yesterday in a general election that saw undergraduate students at the U of A endorse the Universal Transit Pass by a wide margin in a show of support for affordable transit and the environment.

Students voted 84 per cent in favour of the $75 per term pass that will allow them unlimited access to regular scheduled transit service in Edmonton, St. Albert and Strathcona County. The vote represents the last political hurdle in the long-running process.

“This is a win for public transit, a win for our environment, a win for big ideas, and a win for students working together,” proclaimed Samantha Power, President of the Students’ Union, in a statement given today at the Students’ Union Building.

The final price was the result of lengthy negotiations between the three municipalities, students and the University of Alberta.

2007 National Day of Action Avi Lewis Post-Secondary Education University of Alberta University of Alberta Students` Union

u of a day of action = great success.

The February 7 Day of Action at the University of Alberta was a success with hundreds of students showing up to send a message to the University Aministration and the Provincial Tory Government about the importance of keeping education affordable!

The great speakers included Avi Lewis from the CBC’s The Big Picture and Larry Booi from Public Interest Alberta! You can check out the rally and speeches on YouTube here and here.

Students were joined by a number of political folks including Liberal Advanced Education & Technology Shadow Minister Maurice Tougas (Edmonton Meadowlark) and his fellow Alberta Liberal MLA’s Mo Elsalhy (Edmonton McClung), Hugh MacDonald (Edmonton Gold Bar), and Bharat Agnihotri (Edmonton Ellerslie). Alberta NDP MLA Ray Martin (Edmonton Beverly Clareview) attended along with Edmonton Strathcona Federal NDP candidate Linda Duncan and Edmonton Strathcona Provincial NDP candidate Rachel Notley.

I have to say that it was pretty cool seeing that many students show up to send a message about the need for greater affordability. Also, going out for dinner and drinks with Avi Lewis and some friends later that evening was pretty cool too.

2007 National Day of Action Avi Lewis Post-Secondary Education Tuition University of Alberta University of Alberta Students` Union

avi lewis at u of a day of action!

On February 7 from 12pm to 1pm in front of University Hall, University of Alberta students will be sending a strong and united message to the Alberta government to “Reduce the Fees.” Tuition fees are preventing many Albertans from accessing the education they need. With Alberta’s wealth, investment in education is the way forward.

As the U of A Board of Governors just last week raised Tuition Fees by 3.3% and Residence Rent by 10%, February 7 is the perfect opportunity to send a strong message about the affordability of post-secondary education to the Alberta government as the Premiers meet via teleconference on Feb 7 through the Council of the Federation, as the Alberta Legislature begins sitting on February 26, and as the provincial and federal governments create their 2007 budgets this spring!

Now is the time to send a strong message!

It’s going to be a great time and will include:
– Speakers include:
*AVI LEWIS! from CBC’s The Big Picture!
*Students’ Union President Sam Power
*LHSA VP Janelle Morin
*Larry Booi from Public Interest Alberta, and more!
– FUN MUSIC, petitions, postcards!
– And a special appearance by Stephen Colbert’s *ON NOTICE* BOARD!

It’s going to be an exciting event, so I show up and be counted!

This event is being organized by the University of Alberta Students’ Union.