Following out successful first #yegvote Google Hangout a few weeks ago, Mack Male, Ryan Hastman, and I gathered online for the second #yegvote Google Hangout focusing on this October’s municipal elections in Edmonton. In this week’s hangout, we chatted about everything from the strategies of the three main mayoral candidates, the fluoride debate sparked by a fourth mayoral candidate, and some of the competitive city council races.
You can watch the archived hangout below or at
As the campaign period approaches, we are planning to have more frequent weekly #yegvote Google Hangouts and hope to have some special guests join us along the way.
One reply on “#yegvote Google Hangout #2”
Dave, I watched the second #yegvote Google Hangout last night — Ryan was right, we were doorknocking on Thursday but had some downtime last night once it started raining. (Yes, people are impressed if you doorknock in the rain, but there comes a point where you cross the line from “dedicated” to “crazy” — plus it’s hard to keep the literature dry!) Just wanted to correct a couple of comments made … Mike Nickel and Kerry Diotte are not running on a slate. They have certainly talked, just as I’m sure many candidates have talked with outgoing incumbents to discuss ward issues. They have definitely not doorknocked together nor are there any plans to do so — we did run into Kerry the other night in Hazeldean and chatted for a few minutes, but as you can see by the lawn signs across town, he has been all over the city while we, of course, have been talking to people in Ward 11 nearly every night.
Mack — Given Mike’s past work as councillor and his previous runs for the mayor’s chair, we’re finding his name recognition to be really high in the ward. Since it really appears to be a three-way race right now for mayor, and since many of the ward races have no clear frontrunner, Mike’s ready to work with whomever is elected to the 2013-2017 council.
When is #yegvote Google Hangout #3 scheduled for? Looking forward to it! (P.S. Not sure if anyone else had the same problem, but I had trouble hearing Dave a lot of the time — microphone issues?)