One of the fun things about writing about politics is that every few years I have a chance to say nice things about friends and people I know who are running as candidates for election.
As the advance voting stations have opened this week and Edmontonians are beginning to mark their municipal election ballots, there are a few people who I want to write some nice things about.

The first is my friend Cori Longo, who is running in my City Council ward of Ward Métis.
I first met Cori ten years ago through our involvement in the labour movement and have had the privilege of co-facilitating an annual Communications for Union Activists course with her for many years since then. I learned first hand during these classes that she is probably one of the best facilitators I’ve ever worked with.
Cori’s enthusiasm and positivity is contagious and she is incredibly down to earth. She is without pretence and doesn’t carry any hint of elitism with her.
And as the mother of young kids, I think she will bring an important voice to City Council that isn’t always represented under the glass pyramids.
These traits, along with her progressive values, I believe will serve Cori well as a City Councillor.

The second person I want to write some nice things about is my friend Michael Janz, who is running for City Council in Ward Papastew.
I’ve been friends with Michael since we were students many years ago at the University of Alberta. I actually first met him when he volunteered for my campaign for Students’ Union Vice President External (I won) and we’ve been good friends ever since.
One of the things I like most about Michael is his addiction to learning. He reads more books and listens to more podcasts than anyone else I know. It’s remarkable.
Michael has also proven himself to be an enthusiastic and relentless advocate for better public education during his eleven years as a trustee on the Edmonton Public School Board. I have no doubt he will bring that same tireless work ethic to City Council if he is elected on Oct. 18.
For the Edmonton Public School Board, I am happy to support Trisha Estabrooks in her bid for re-election in Ward D. Trisha has been a strong advocate for public education and the safety of children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

And, for Mayor, it’s Amarjeet Sohi.
Amarjeet is one of the most sincere, humble, genuine and hardest working politicians I have ever met. He brings a wealth of real world experience with him with a resume that ranges from cab driver to bus driver to city councillor to federal cabinet minister. I think he would be an exceptional Mayor of Edmonton.
I also want to give a shout-out to Jenn Prosser, who is running for City Council in Lethbridge and DJ Kelly who is running for City Council in Calgary. If you live in their communities please consider supporting them on Election Day.
Don’t forget to vote in the advance polls or on Election Day on Oct. 18. If you’re confused about what might show up on your ballot, check out my guide to Alberta’s municipal elections, Senate Nominee election and referenda on Equalization and Daylight Saving Time.
One reply on “Cori Longo and Michael Janz for City Council”
Best of luck to Cori. She sounds great.
But why is it that seemingly every political progressive in the city all of a sudden decided to run for Council this year in almost every ward?
At least there is no incumbent in Ward Metis making the election of a progressive councillor more likely.
Those of us living in Ward O-Day’Min are not so fortunate. With at least six progressive candidates running serious campaigns, the only beneficiary of all this vote splitting is likely to be Tony Caterina.