Alberta Politics

Two in race for NDP nomination in Calgary-Greenway by-election

Two candidates are seeking the New Democratic Party nomination to run in the Calgary-Greenway provincial by-election, which will need to be called before the end of May 2016. The NDP nomination meeting will be held on Feb. 20, 2016.

  • Roop Rai is known in northeast Calgary from her time as a host of the Roshni program on Red FM radio station. She is now constituency assistant for MLA Irfan Sabir in the neighbouring Calgary-McCall constituency.
  • Mattie McMillan is the manager of MLA Ricardo Miranda‘s constituency office in the neighbouring of Calgary-Cross. McMillan is a former vice-president external of the University of Calgary Students’ Union and, according to his linkedin profile, a Reserve Officer in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. McMillan sought the NDP nomination to run in the Calgary-Centre federal by-election in 2012. I am now told that McMillan is no longer a candidate in the nomination race.
  • I am told that John Phillips, a Calgary lawyer, has now entered the nomination contest.

According to the Calgary Herald, 2015 candidate Devinder Toor will challenge Robin Martin for the March 5, 2016 Wildrose Party nomination. Mr. Toor placed third and earned 20 percent of the vote in the May 2015 election.

Dan Sidhu, Jamie LallPrabhdeep Gill and Tushar Yadav are seeking the Progressive Conservative nomination, which is scheduled to take place on Feb. 27, 2016.

Two candidates are contesting the Liberal Party nomination, which is scheduled to take place on Feb. 29, 2016.

A full list of nomination candidates and their social media links can be found here.

(Post edited on Jan. 25, 2022)

15 replies on “Two in race for NDP nomination in Calgary-Greenway by-election”

This would seem to be a weak nomination for a governing party. While I think most people would agree that the NDP will be in tough for this by-election based on a variety of factors (voting history, overall sentiment towards the NDP in Calgary right now, emotional nature of the cause of the by-election, etc.) one would think that the NDP would be pulling out all the stops to make sure they win this by-election.

Not to disparage the two individuals who have put their names forward, respect to anyone who puts their name in the hat for a nomination, however neither of them seems to be the type of candidate the government would hope to attract in an election that will almost definitely result in people extrapolating the result – whatever it may be – onto an overall provincial narrative. If these candidates remain as the only two the only way this makes sense from a party strategy perspective is that the NDP do not want to be seen dumping numerous resources into a race that they end up losing.

John E Phillips. A Calgarian Metis Lawyer with 40 plus years in the social justice cause is confirmed as well. A mature, experienced candidate wth decades of grass roots community work as a foundAtion…

The NDP have destroyed the province with their socialist policies. They hate oil and gas, they hate our schools, and they hate our farmers. They have made it even harder for companies and businesses to invest in our province, and have been very passive in pipeline projects. We need to vote for the Wildrose for a strong economy, for jobs, lower taxes, and accountability in government.

So, Bill, who has destroyed Saskatchewan? Read today’s article about Estevan. I believe the Saskatchewan conservatives have been in charge for quite awhile.

That was a PC government, led by Grant Devine. We had one of his cabinet members in the Alberta PC government. His name is Gordon Dirks. The NDP governed really well in Saskatchewan, truth be told. G

That was a PC government, led by Grant Devine. We had one of his cabinet members in the Alberta PC government. His name is Gordon Dirks. The NDP governed really well in Saskatchewan, truth be told. Grant Devine and the PC’s ruined Saskatchewan.

You are sadly mistaken on who was responsible for what helped create the mess Alberta is in right now. The Alberta PC’s, with the exception of Peter Lougheed, are to blame. What did they do, besides waste tons and tons of money on multitudes ofvery expensive scandals, leave infrastructure in a shambles, have our Heritage Savings Trust Fund virtually depleted, allow resource companies to rob us blind and take our wealth south of the border and overseas, among many other messes. We are still seeing their massive scandals show up in the news. How has electricity deregulation worked out? It has been a big failure. To date, it has cost us over $30 billion dollars. Where did the $400 million BSE aid money go to? Not farmers and ranchers in Alberta. The money went to American owned meat packing plants instead. What will the Wildrose do that would be so good? Look at who is in their cabinet and candidates. Also look at their record while in the Opposition. They appear to be PC/Reform type clones. Where does Brian Jean stand on issues, like farm worker safety legislation for Alberta? He seems to change his mind on it, like he has done with other issues. He seems to be power hungry, just like most of the Alberta PC premiers were; especially Ralph Klein. Furthermore, how can Brian Jean, let alone any other Canadian politician fix a faltering global economic situation?

Hi Bill,

Can you pass on a message to SGR and EL?

re: ‘The NDP have destroyed the province with their socialist policies. They hate oil and gas, they hate our schools, and they hate our farmers.’

Most of us Albertans have noticed these are not reasoned arguments. They’re something else.

In a democracy, most citizens actually expect reasoned arguments for political agendas.

And btw…packaging them in ‘books’ is not evidence that they are arguments.

Sam Gunsch

The NDP caucus could walk across Sylvan lake in July and the Wildhosers would label it a sign the end times. Get used to it.

Hey, Don Monroe spent $680 and got 36% of the vote in May. I think the NDP has a pretty good shot if they put together an actual campaign with a real candidate this time. I think Mr. Bhullar’s personal popularity was what sealed his win; nothing to do with the PC’s.

How come Ron Leech hasn’t crawled out from under his rock to seek the Wildrose nomination again??

So Khalil Karbani won the Liberal nomination last night. That must be awkward for the party considering Dr. Swann endorsed the other candidate….

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