I will be spending the next few weeks traveling through Germany and the Czech Republic. Regular posts will resume upon my return in August.
3 replies on “gone to deutschland.”
Have a great trip!
This must be why Lukaszuk felt free to stick his foot in his Facebook: Daveberta is out of the country 😉
well at least with bev oda her expense claim showed details to find the $16 glass of orange juice. with merali there is only a line item for the total hotel charge…nice work if you can get it…
3 replies on “gone to deutschland.”
Have a great trip!
This must be why Lukaszuk felt free to stick his foot in his Facebook: Daveberta is out of the country 😉
well at least with bev oda her expense claim showed details to find the $16 glass of orange juice. with merali there is only a line item for the total hotel charge…nice work if you can get it…