All the candidates for Alberta’s Progressive Conservative Party, save Alison Redford and Rick Orman, have used online videos to promote their campaign. What do their videos say about how their campaigns are going so far?
Doug Griffiths: “I’m standing out in the rain” (an unfortunate metaphor for his campaign) or “My name is Doug Griffiths and I’m built Ford tough.”
Ted Morton: “My program to remove the word “Wildrose” from Alberta’s licence plates.”
Doug Horner: “Don’t I look cool when I hold this iPad2?”
Gary Mar: “If I don’t get this job, I’m a shoe in for a gig on the Food Network!”
Rick Orman: “I retired from politics 18 years ago and in my day we bought old fashioned newspaper ads. People still read newspapers, …right?”

One reply on “alberta tories video on demand.”
Hey Dave – funny stuff, as always.
First of all, I am definitely trying Mar’s Marinade next week-end, substituting soya sauce for fish sauce. I’ll let you know how it goes.
In terms of the Griffiths video, however, I took the “standing in the rain, thunder in the distance” metaphor to be a reflection of Albertans as a whole having weathered some stormy times recently. After all, when the rain is falling, only a fool (and Frank Sinatra, because he was too cool to be bothered) refuse to acknowledge it.