Here are some updates to the list of nominated and declared candidates wanting to stand for their parties in the next provincial election.

Calgary-North West: Russell Hillier is seeking the Wildrose nomination. Mr. Hillier is a Constituency Assistant to Calgary-West Conservative MP Rob Anders (who is supportin’ Ted Morton) and is a founding member of the Canadian Culture and Integration Society, which is dedicated to reducing mass-immigration and eliminating official multiculturalism in Canada. He is the son of Ontario PC MPP for Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Randy Hillier.
Calgary-Buffalo: Liberal MLA Kent Hehr is expected to be acclaimed at his party’s nomination on August 2. Mr. Hehr was first elected in the 2008 general election with 48% of the vote. This constituency has been mentioned as one that Gary Mar could stand in if he wins the Progressive Conservative leadership this Fall.
Drumheller-Stettler: The Drumheller Mail. is reporting three candidates preparing to seek the Wildrose nomination. Dave France was the Alberta Alliance and later Wildrose Alliiance candidate in the 2004 and 2008 General Elections and the 2007 By-Election. Rick Strankman was until recently the local constituency President. Chris Warwick is serving his third-term on Hanna town council. Not mentioned in the article is Patrick Turnbull, who launched a campaign website earlier this year.
Edmonton-McClung: Carrie Kohan is seeking the Wildrose nomination. She is the founder of Mad Mothers Against Pedophiles, was the recipient of the YWCA Women of Distinction Award for Advocacy 2010, and on her Facebook Page she describes herself as the “Erin Brockovich of Canada.”
Edmonton-Meadowlark: Rick Newcombe is seeking the Wildrose nomination. Mr. Newcombe recently withdrew from the Wildrose nomination in Edmonton-Whitemud, leaving Ian Crawford to be acclaimed.
17 replies on “alberta candidate nomination updates – july 2011 (part 2).”
Thanks for the mention Dave. To correct an entry, I was not defeated by Ian Crawford in Edmonton-Whitemud. I withdrew from the nomination race to seek the nomination in my home riding of Edmonton-Meadowlark.
Ian Crawford will likely be acclaimed as the candidate for Edmonton-Whitemud July 26th.
The nominations for Edmonton-Meadowlark close August 5th.
“Wildrose set to nominate anti-immigration activist in #yyc”
The Wildrose and Danielle Smith show their true colors. That party is filled with crazies.
Thanks for the clarification, Rick. I will correct that.
– Dave
Dave France is still around? Yikes!
I’m so glad we get our own nut job Hillier, rather than letting Ontario hog all the guffaws
The Erin Brockovich of Canada? These people just get more and more amusing.
The Wildrose is just too ideological and extreme. Look at the people behind it – Danielle Smith was fired from the school board.
So when the election comes, will this Hillier fellow campaign in a white sheet?
The Wildrose is really embracing the crazy, I see. Of course the mainstream media will just gloss over the fact that these would-be MLAs are all nutbars, and continue to shower love down on their equally scary leader, Danielle “Palin with contacts” Smith.
Hopefully blogs like Daveberta can just keep pointing out the truths about these people, like he’s done here. We all know the MSM media pundits come here for their scoop anyways.
Also, to Rick Newcombe:
Rick, your website is pretty rough man. It looks like it belongs on an Internet based episode of Hoarders. There’s just way too much stuff on there, and most of it is redundant or nonsense anyways. A lot of the links don’t even work.
A website is like the cyber equivalent to one’s outfit. If either one is shoddy looking, people won’t take you seriously.
[…] constituency assistant Russell Hillier is seeking the Wildrose nomination in Calgary-North West (As noted in my previous post, Mr. Hillier is also a founder of the anti-immigration and anti-multicultualism group Canadian […]
I had a great couple of weeks helping Kent Hehr register supporters in downtown Calgary over Stampede and Folk Fest. Probably 500 all in all.
I’m obviously a cheerleader for the ALP of sorts, but I really believe Calgary needs Kent up in Edmonton as Buffalo’s representative. He speaks for a lot of folks.
How long has Hillier been in AB and just how much does he really know about the province. Hearing about AB through Anders isn’t much of a recommendation in terms of being an MLA for AB.
[…] constituency. Drumheller Jeweler and Freemason Doug Wade in Drumheller-Stettler. As reported on this blog in July, Dave France, Rick Strankman, Chris Warwick, and Patrick Turnbull are also seeking the Wildrose […]
[…] multiculturalism in Canada (the organization’s website has mysteriously disappeared since I first wrote about his connections to the group in July). His involvement in this anti-immigration group is also omitted from Mr. Hillier’s campaign […]
[…] West: Chris Challis has been nominated as the Wildrose candidate. Quietly moved away from the nomination is Russell Hillier, assistant to Conservative MP Rob Anders and founder of the Canadian Culture and […]
“Palin with glasses”? Seriuosly? Scary? Really? Controlled spending, smaller government, protection of property rights. All scary stuff when viewed from a liberal/socialist perspective. Health care spending accounts for over 45% of the provincial budget. Is it better now than 10 years ago? With a population of just 3 million we have 83 MLA’s. Are we better governed than we were 10 tears ago? Property rights are being quashed on a massive, but stealthy manner, with electrical power companies having a virtual monopoly. You want scary, get hold of the “Alberta Land Bills’ and read them,or have some one read them to you.Find yourself in need of a hip replacement, or even something as simple as an MRI. Keep electing Faux Conservatives and you will find uot just how terrifying is “Red(ford) Sonja”