Alberta Politics

photos: david swann’s media conference.

As predicted last night, Liberal leader David Swann announced his resignation as party this morning in Edmonton. Dr. Swann will remain leader until the end of the Spring Session, when he will formally submit his resignation to the Liberal Party.

David Swann's wife, Laureen, and his son stand by his side as he announces his resignation as Liberal Party leader.
The Press Gallery media room was packed for David Swann's resignation announcement.

I have a number of thoughts on Dr. Swann and how his resignation announcement will not solve the problems facing the Liberal Party. I also have a day job, so those thoughts will have to wait until this evening. What do you think?

2 replies on “photos: david swann’s media conference.”

How sad that we do not respect and appreciate the contributions of humanitarians like Swann. We boost up a piano playing, self-centered, ego manic and ignore the thoughtful and progressive offerings by so many others.

The Alberta Liberal Party and Caucus have struggled to get media attention to their position on issues and policy statements. It is frustrating and disappointing that “anonymous sources” were successful in breaking this to the media before the full Caucus and Party were notified of his decision.
If only these “anonymous sources” were more active and effective in getting the Leader’s and Party’s message out.

While Dr. Swann lacked the the kind of “good old boy charisma” the majority of Alberta voters apparently relish, it is indeed sad that they rarely seem to appreciate or vote for politicians of substance and integrity, preferring those of questionable ethical standards and beliefs.

It’s a sorry state we live in when a politician who offers the olive branch to other like-minded parties is rebuffed, ridiculed, and reviled for it, instead of seen as someone worthy of working alongside. We will all pay the long-term consequences for such stunted vision.

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