
joe clark encounters of the random kind.

It’s been quite the busy couple days!

– First of all, last Friday I took part in a political panel on blogging and ‘new media’ held by the Alberta Teacher’s Association Political Action Committee (other panelists included Nicole Martel, Duncan, and Ken). There were some very interesting conversations that occuredand I wish the conversations could have gone longer (even though we went over our time by 30 minutes). But it was an interesting and engaging morning anyway! (Allie took pictures!)

Duncan and I bumped into Joe Clark yesterday morning. Even more random is that it happened in a hallway in the Alberta Legislature Building. I’m happy to report that former Prime Minister Clark had a jump in his step and gave us a joyful “hey guys!”

Very random.

– I have yet to take an indepth look at the Federal Budget, so I’ll save my comments for when I do.

– Election mania! The Federal Liberals are catching up with the wave by nominating a rash of candidates in Edmonton ridings in the next couple weeks in Edmonton Strathcona, Edmonton Centre, and Edmonton Mill Woods-Beaumont. I’ll be posting a list reminicent of my 2006 elections tracker in the near future.

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