Alberta Tories Cabinet Shuffle Ed Stelmach

alberta’s new ministries announced…

Here are the new Ministries announced in Premier-designate Ed Stelmach’s first cabinet. Looks interesting – Housing in at the table with Municipal Affairs. Science & Innovation is back with Advanced Education. Aboriginal Affaris merges with Intergovernmental Affairs. Community Development becomes Tourism, Parks, Recreation, & Culture. It should be interesting to see how the Treasury Board concept works.

Also, four new “Cabinet Policy Committees” were created in place of the Tory caucus-only Standing Policy Committees… will there be a difference?

More analysis later (as usual…)

President of the Treasury Board
Advanced Education and Technology
Municipal Affairs and Housing
Health and Wellness
Employment, Immigration and Industry
Children’s Services
Agriculture and Food
Infrastructure and Transportation
Justice and Attorney General
Seniors and Community Supports
International, Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Relations
Sustainable Resource Development
Solicitor General and Public Security
Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture

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