I was in Calgary for meetings today. When I got back to Edmonton, this was waiting in my inbox:
From: ******@ualberta.ca
Date: August 21, 2006 1:23:03 PM MDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Bill 208: A Call to Action!
CALL TO ACTIONMLA Ted Morton will try to bring back his private members bill 208 in the upcoming provincial session on Monday August 28.
Morton’s bill as proposed would legislate that 1. information about G/L/B/T not be allowed in schools, 2. marriage commissionaires could opt out of performing same-sex marriages, and 3. that a person expressing their opinion/ideas about homosexuality could not have a claim of discrimination brought against them.
Although it is rumoured that Mr. Morton will bring forth an amended bill (and remove some clauses) it needs to be stopped in its entirety!
The Provincial legislative session begins on Thursday Aug. 24 and Monday August 28 beginning at 1:30pm will be the session for private member’s bills.
In discussions with both the provincial Liberals and New Democrats their strategy will be to filibuster on August 28 to keep the bill from coming forward.
This e-mail is coming to you in hopes that you will register, attend and be introduced in the Legislative Assembly on August 28. The session will begin at 1:30pm and run until 5:30pm. You can only attend if you register.
In order to register and be introduced call either the Liberals (MLA Laurie Blakeman‘s office 414-0743) or the New Democrat Office (415-1803 Arnand Sharma). Invite others to do the same.
(Come early as everyone has to go through security.)
Kris Wells, Julie Lloyd, Michael Phair, Ken Macdonald, Murray Billett
N.B. There will be a media conference on the steps of the Legislature on Friday August 25 from 1 to 1:30pm. Attend if you are available.
I think it’s really important that this regressive and backward agenda be stopped dead in its tracks.
It seems to me that the reappearance of Bill 208 has more to do with Ted Morton‘s bid for the Alberta PC leadership than any real Alberta uprising. It would be disgraceful if Bill 208 was being used as a tool to simply galvinize the support of a crop of social conservatives in favour of Dr. Morton.