
notley quick on the draw.

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In my previous post regarding the retirement of NDP MLA Raj Pannu, I noted a rumour that lawyer and labour activist Rachel Notley would be running for the NDP nomination in Edmonton Strathcona for the next election (I originally noted the rumour back in January).

Well, with the floodgates barely open, it looks like her candidacy for the nomination has been confirmed (with my rumour noted on her site).

UPDATE: It seems that a clever webmaster has discovered that I have prematurely announced Ms. Notley’s candidacy.

As such, her site has been taken down until the official announcement is made. Even though I did have the foresight to see this coming and captured screenshots and copied her announcement speech and press release (dated June 16), I’m really not cruel enough to post stuff like that (this early in the nomination game).

So, you’ll just have to wait until Friday to see what she has to say…

June 16 Update…

Ms. Notley’s site has been officially launched, along with this little note in the news section of her website…

Liberal blogger Daveberta wins the prize as the first observer to note Rachel’s Candidacy. Dave noted Rachel’s cadidacy back on January 12th and on June 14th. In his June 14th posting, he argues that the riding is now a wide open contest with the retirement of Raj Pannu.

Kudos to Daveberta for cleverness and moxie. In Daveberta’s second June 14th post, he caused this webmaster to scream panicked obsenities when he found Rachel’s development website and linked to it! A quick trip to the ER for treatment with the defibrillator helped calm me down.

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