Holy smokes! Not only is this guy sketchy, but he’s got a sense of humour… (we think…) too bad he didn’t show up to any of the candidates forums…
From VoteDave.net, the website of Edmonton Strathcona Marijuana Party candidate Dave Dowling…
Reasons to Vote Dave Dowling:
Fiscal integrity: Dave Dowling spent under $200 as a sign of fiscal integrity:
Auditor for Dave Dowling: Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
audited the Bank of Canada!
Did the others hire their friend or relative??Platform: Dave Dowling’s is simple, two words and it saves billions:
The others : like a university text book, costs 50 to 70 $Billion$Party Record: Dave Dowling’s wants more rights and freedoms for everyone.
The others: all of them, the record of pirates! Scandal, corruption, abuse of the tax payer.Environmental respect: Dave used less than 500 sheets of paper, less than one branch of one tree:
The others: Who knows how many forests they killed for spam?Web sites Dave Dowling’s: relevant content, lots of it!
The others: one page or a couple of pages. . . at most!