We hope you all enjoyed yesterday’s Gomery Day festivities. We sure did.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programing.
Cut to set of Channel 17 Broadcast News
News Anchor: “Good Morning and thank you for joining us.”
“In today’s bizarre news feature, the Alberta Legislature will be meeting this fall to pass what is commonly known in other provincial juristictions as ‘legislation,’ and participate in a even more bizarre ritual known as ‘Question Period.'”
“Our investigative reporters were not able to determine what shape or form this ‘legislation’ will take, but local officials are warning parents to bring their children in before dark and keep their animals in the safety of their back yards. If you see this elusive legislation, please contact your local police deparment immediately.”
“It is also being reported by an anonymous source within the Legislature that the fall session, which begins on November 15 and will run for two or three weeks, is starting just in time for the rural Tory MLA’s to bring their wives into the city for some Christmas shopping on the taxpayers tab.”
“We will keep you updated as this story unfolds.”
(End Scene)