It seems the patronage gods are having a hard time quenching their thirst…
…two new Senate appointments today…
Yoine Goldstein (Quebec-Liberal): A Montreal Lawyer
Francis Fox (Quebec-Liberal): Corporate Executive; Martin Confidant; Former Trudeau Cabinet Minister who was forced to resign from cabinet in 1978, when it was revealed that he had forged the signature of his girlfriend’s husband on a form granting permission for her to have an abortion. (At the time, the husband’s consent was needed for the procedure.)
There are now three vacancies in the Senate: two in New Bruswick, and one in Prince Edward Island (Stompin’ Tom still has a chance!).
The current party standings in the Senate are…
Liberal – 67
Conservative – 24
Progressive Conservative – 5
New Democratic – 1
Independent – 5
Vacant – 3
TOTAL – 105