
fringing it up

Well, spent a good chunk of our evening with some totally radical awesome dudes at the Powerplant. Where the patio is in the shade from 5pm to 5am! (new slogan?)

Anyway… it’s the week of International Fringing here in (it’s finally stopped raining) Edmonton, Alberta.

We’re quite looking forward to checking out a bunch of the new plays this year. Bought our Fringe programs a couple of weekends ago and have been slowly perusing through, seeing which plays look cool enough for an awesome posse such as ours to go to. 😉

If it makes you uncultured daveberta readers who aren’t theatre lovers any better, we’ll also be spending a decent amount of time in the beer gardens over the next couple of days. Sweet.

Totally check out the Fringe in Old Strathcona if you get the chance. It’s one of our favorite Edmonton festivals. It’s awesome.

BTW. Did anyone else read the Edmonton Sun Editorial today?

Question: What the hell kind of rag starts an editorial piece with “Un-FREAKING-belieable!?!?!?!

Answer: Not a very good one.

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