
daveberta readers rebuke the alberta ndp

The once mighty Alberta NDP-Army flees daveberta.

For Immediate Release
August 5, 2005

Edmonton – In the wake of the recent “Shannon-gate” scandal, daveberta readers have responded in full force.

On Monday, August 1st, Ms. Shannon Phillips, the Communications Director of the Alberta NDP Caucus responded to a recent daveberta post regarding Edmonton Strathcona ND MLA Raj Pannu’s rumoured intention to step down in order to make way for Larry Booi to run for the Alberta NDP in a by-election.

Since the “Shannon-gate” fiasco began, daveberta has received many comments and emails in response to Ms. Phillips comment. Many were received after the official daveberta response to Ms. Phillips.

Though the daveberta editorial board does not officially support comments left in said section, in the spirit of open and transparent blogging, included below are reactions from loyal daveberta readers on “Shannon-gate“:

Aaron said: “NDP? Who are they? They’re from Ontario, right? šŸ˜›

Tyler said: “Who ever thought the Alberta NDP could afford to be that smug! Woo Hoo! 4 seats!

Baghdad Bob said: “I won’t believe Raj until he signs a reporter’s notebook that says 3 3/4 years!”

Holtopia said
: “The Alberta NDP is definately hiding something…

Ken said: “I am glad to know the NDP still has many over confident individuals, such as yourself. I would like to assure you personally that although the candidate your party elects may propose many ideas that begin with a dollar sign and end with a lot of zeroes, my candidate will have more than “nice ideas”. I already have multiple candidates actively seeking [the Alberta Liberal] nomination, and these are people who believe in education and health care.

I appreciate your suggestion that “the riding association will remain as moribund as it has been for the last few years”. Please continue to spread this rumour through your party circles, because it will lead to many of your volunteers staying home, and make my job that much easier.

and finally…

Allie said: “”ā€¦ if it was simply a chalked up rumour, then why is it even worth a response? Especially from someone as high in up the Alberta NDP echelons as Ms. Phillips?”

“High up in the NDP echelons?” Thatā€™s “the most preposterous thing I have heard all day!” With only FOUR MLAā€™s what on earth is high up anyways? Donā€™t make me laugh. Ms Phillipā€™s just has this much time on her hands. Scanning local blog posts for slights against the NDP (a fulltime job in itself I imagine) and responding to them in her trademark “Iā€™m better and know more than you” fashion. Itā€™s exactly this type of response that leads people to dismiss the NDP as anything but serious.

Someone catch Ms Phillips before she falls off her chair.

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daveberta media centre

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