Alberta Politics

former ndp leader ray martin trying for a comeback in edmonton-glenora.

In a very unexpected move, former MLA and NDP leader Ray Martin has announced that he is seeking the NDP nomination in Edmonton-Glenora. Mr. Martin served as the MLA for Edmonton-Norwood from 1982 to 1993 and Edmonton-Beverly-Clareview from 2004 until 2008. He aws the leader of the Alberta NDP from 1984 until 1994 and he has stood for federal office numerous times, including as the federal NDP candidate in Edmonton-East in 2008 and 2011.


EDMONTON – Ray Martin will seek the NDP nomination for Edmonton-Glenora for the upcoming Alberta provincial election.

“I’m excited to return to politics and have a chance to speak out on issues that matter Alberta’s working families.” said Martin

Ray Martin, a former four-term MLA and Leader of the Opposition, pointed to a number of issues that he’s looking to speak out on, including the export of jobs through the Keystone pipeline, improving family health care, and stopping cuts to education.

“Glenora residents are looking for an experienced voice to challenge the government on these issues.” said Martin. “I’d be happy to provide that voice to them.”

But it was a special letter that came in the summer which prompted Martin to come out retirement as well.

“Jack Layton sent me a letter shortly before he passed, and it was very meaningful to me that he would reach out to me when he was facing his cancer.” said Martin. “It’s given me the resolve that I need to continue contributing to the change that he talked about both to me and to all Canadians.”

New Democrats in Edmonton-Glenora are anticipated to nominate their candidate in early October.

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The Glenora constituency is currently represented by Progressive Conservative MLA Heather Klimchuk. Aside from Minister Klimchuk, the only other nominated candidate is the Alberta Party‘s Sue Huff. It is unclear what connection Mr. Martin has to the communities in this west of downtown constituency.

11 replies on “former ndp leader ray martin trying for a comeback in edmonton-glenora.”


Any rumours about a Liberal candidate in this riding? They used to be a force in Glenora, but they don’t seem to be on the ball this time.

What connection does Ray Martin have to anything in Glenora? He hasn’t been able to win in East Edmonton for a decade so instead of hanging up the towel he is just going to jump over to a riding he thinks he will win! This one really stinks. Mr. Martin if you want to run, run somewhere where you have a connection and don’t make this leap. Your credibility may be shot.

Ray has been around a while for sure, but so has the Tory government. Re-electing another seat for a 40 year arrogant self important dynasty leaves me cold.

“It is unclear what connection Mr. Martin has to the communities in this west of downtown constituency.”
Translation: Ugh, now an actual progressive candidate is running in Glenora and Huff doesn’t have any progressive – or any policies really – on the part of her party to help frame her as a progressive candidate.

I can’t say I’ve ever met people other than hyper partisans who would pass over someone with a proven track record when it comes to representing their constituents because they’re “more connected” to another area of the same city.

@Denny. I’m not sure that anyone other than “hyper-partisans” care about “proven track records” either. Cue the hyperpartisan comment exchange on Dave’s blog in 3, 2, …

Sue Huff does have policies behind her that I like to think are progressive (having been part of the process for developing). I’d be interested in why you think they’re not though.

More to the point, Sue’s also got a track record of her own. Granted, be a trustee and the interim leader of a political party without being an MLA isn’t the same as the depth of experience that Ray Martin brings to the table, but it’s not like she’s a parachute candidate still attending university or something.

I for one am look forward to seeing this race shake out. From a firmly pro-Sue Huff standpoint, unless things change dramatically.

With the Alberta party at 2-3% in the polls, I don’t see Sue Huff being a viable candidate in this riding. We need someone who can actually take the seat from the Tories.

Ray Martin’s a kick ass candidate, and the best the NDP has had in Glenora since Larry Booi (sp?). Ray would have likely run in his old riding again but a determined young New Democrat named Deron Bilous has already been nominated there. The NDP is mixing things up, sending an experienced candidate into a new riding and using a traditionally safe area to empower a younger generation’s candidate. It’s really terrific. Great for Glenora and great for Bev-Clareview.

This is really good news for that constituency. I’m sure Ray is committed to putting a Model T in every driveway and a gramophone in every living room. He won’t be busy losing a federal election for a few years, so the timing is perfect as well!

Glenora would be smart to tie this onion to their belt.

Ray has stood up to this 40 year Tory regime like few other people have.
He has won more than a few times and is Alberta’s longest serving Leader of the Opposition 1984 to 1993. He was a very effective MLA for Beverly Clareview from 2004 to 2008.
He serves constituents with compassion and care and certainly has more leadership skills than any of the 5 people who recently stood for the Liberal Leadership. The people of Glenora and Alberta will be well served by Ray Martin regardless of his party label. Speaking of party label the NDP have consistently represented those who can not afford to buy a Government. Ray represents the best qualities and is capable of providing a voice for ordinary people!

Qwitchyerbellyachin” about Ray Martin. Anyone can run in any riding so let him be. He is a seasoned legislator and is more capable than Klimchuk and Sue Huff. Now that Dr. Bruce Miller is in the race, it’s Liberal heritage has a chance of being the people’s choice.

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