Alberta Politics

that’s bull shit.

Usually politicians only figuratively shovel out the B.S. On a new CBC program, Wildrose leader Danielle Smith literally shovels it out…

A politician shovelling horse manure is a spectacle ready-made for all sorts of obvious jokes. But Smith was apparently too busy with hard labour to worry about the symbolism of such things. Her adventures on a ranch outside of Cochrane and feedlot near Bowden will be broadcast on CBC Sunday evening as the final entry of Make the Politician Work.

Meanwhile, in the pages of the Calgary Herald, Rod Love is shoveling something that smells more like historical revisionism in his defence of the legacy of former Premier Ralph Klein

10 replies on “that’s bull shit.”

While I generally agree with Danielle’s criticism of the budget. Most people don’t care about minimal increases in some user fees and licenses.

What Danielle would do is far worse. Since she is a fiscal and would be a staunch proponent of low royalties and low corporate taxes, in the face of low oil prices and a deficit year, she would more than likely hack and slash and make university students, infrastructure, seniors and the poor suffer through cutting essential services….with that you can almost guarantee, she will never charge royalties that are fair to Albertans and never raise corporate taxes that are fair to Albertans.

In other words, in light of this budget, Danielle doesn’t really got any goods, all just gibberish to get some airtime on TV, little substance and most ordinary Albertans know that.

Danielle is great at criticizing and hurling mud, but scant on details on camera. She is quite careful to not shoot herself politically in the foot before people. She is glib to think people if people don’t see through her stance and being any much different than Ted Morton.

Danielle’s free market libertarianism works for the corporate elite, not ordinary families, seniors, students and the poor. For who she cares little, if any. She thinks free markets will take care of all society. This has not been the case, free markets create unfettered access to develop of natural resources for the elite, but creates and ever widening gap between the rich and poor.

Danielle is not an economist, scientist nor is she a humanist, nor has she the slightest concept that natural resources are not an unlimited source that can be developed without serious repercussions to society and the environment. Especially with regards to the environment, her stances is outright challenge any form of global warming. She really should take a course on atmospheric and earth sciences. She has no clue whatso ever what she is talking about. Climate change denyers, like Danielle are often paid corporate lobbyists, usually paid by those that will lose profit, if they actually acknowledge that there is a climate problem generated by fossil fuel production.

In terms of intelligence and providing solutions to societie’s problems, Danielle has none, neither does Ted. Most Right wing politicians advocate policies that in the end, lead to the profiting off the miseries of society.

Rod Love and Ralph Klein would never acknowledge that Roy Romanow’s NDP government in Saskatchewan balanced that province’s budget prior to Alberta and in a fashion that didn’t disproportionately pile the pain on the backs of the poor, the sick, the elderly and future infrastructure replacement due to lack of maintenance, as Klein’s “plan” did.

They denied it as it happened, so it surprises me not in the least they’ll deny it still today.

@ Danielle’s Bull Shxt on TV, the true BS is the drivel that you spew. You make assumption and conclusions that you are sorely unqualified to make. People like you blow me away with your “I know everything, follow exactly what I say” attitude. Anyone that does not fit into your little box of what you think is reality is an idiot in your opinion. That’s exactly the government we have now and why I fear the people like you, because you will bury us deeper in this mess.

@ Danielle’s Bull Shxt on TV, the true BS is the drivel that you spew. You make assumption and conclusions that you are sorely unqualified to make. People like you blow me away with your “I know everything, follow exactly what I say” attitude. Anyone that does not fit into your little box of what you think is reality is an idiot in your opinion. That’s exactly the government we have now and why I fear the people like you, because you will bury us deeper in this mess.

Roy Romanow’s government balanced the budget literally a month before Alberta did – they simply moved up the budget date. Romanow also did it through massive tax increases. He was a terrible premier.

@Amercer or @Yeah Right: The true BS is the drivel that you spew. You make assumption and conclusions that you are sorely unqualified to make. People like you blow me away with your “I know everything, follow exactly what I say” attitude. Anyone that does not fit into your little box of what you think is reality is an idiot in your opinion. That’s exactly the government we have now and why I fear the people like you, because you will bury us deeper in this mess.

Its funny to see the WRA fanboi’s convulse and shake when the truth is uttered. Some of you WRA fanboi’s just can’t handle facing the truth and the reality of what will come with extreme right wing policies. Right wing policies, if allowed to continue unfettered, like in the U.S. profit off the ills and miseries of society and in fact the right often bring policies that create disparities that generate misery in society. It is those miseries that generate wealth for the rich: unhealthy population with lots of crime and mentally ill, more private contracts to build and supply prisons and more privatization of healthcare to treat a society that is unhealthier and unhappier.

What we need is balanced capitalism to keep people productive, yet have their human rights preserved. Socially conscious and responsible capitalism with real oversight, legislated regulatory framework and above all, upholding the sovereign rights of the people, democracy, human rights and rule of law and develop resources in a controlled, sustained, methodical manner, which is environmentally sound, with out breaking the bank.

Sorry if the truth sounds like dribble. It often can sound like dribble to those who never dare utter it, for whatever reason.

I have never claimed that this gov’t is responsible in any manner, I am claiming that nobody left, center ,esp right has a moral centre to govern from the high road.

Unfettered development of resources keeps an ever widening gap in our society and in fact makes us into a cold, uncaring and inhumane society, disconnected from itself.

“Danielle’s Bull Shxt on TV “.. I love the fear-mongering coming from the leftish side of the spectrum.

You talk about lack of substance, please explain what substance there is to:

“she would more than likely hack and slash and make university students, infrastructure, seniors and the poor suffer through cutting essential services….with that you can almost guarantee”

She would “more than likely”.. you can “almost guarantee”..

And then, while crusading against the “free market economy” which has done nothing to help the poor and disenfranchised, one questions, well, if the alternative was so good, what happened to the Soviet Union, to Cuba, to China.

Danielle Smith has, in fact, provided reasonably clear policy releases on most issues of importance to Albertans.

If you want to criticize them intelligently go for it, but, to attack her for being short on substance, and then resorting to the same old tired fear-mongering that was attempted against Stephen Harper is pretty amusing.

Where’s the meat? Where is:

a) the intelligent criticism of her policy; and
b) the “better idea” that you seem to imply exists.

We’re already spending more money that almost all Provinces on health care and education, yet getting worse results.. so I’m sure expanding our civil service and spending yet more money would be the answer.

How about Smith’s plan of decentralizing control of services, and removing the layers of senior administrators that clutter the civil service?

Scary stuff. Better to keep spending money on guys like Stephen Duckett and when you’re not happy you just go spend another bucket load on severance and hiring another.

Honestly? I don’t know if Danielle has all the aswers, but, firstly, I know the current government is broken and needs to be replaced, and I don’t see any credible leader in the Liberal Party or for that matter the Alberta Party who has given ANY new policy of any kind that suggests new answers.

So, for now, I’m willing to give the WRA a shot and at least they advocate re-call, so if they do go all “Tea Party” on us, we can remove them.. 🙂

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