Here is the list of the top 10 fiction and non-fiction titles sold in Edmonton for the week ended May 20, 2018, compiled by Audreys Books and provided by the Book Publishers Association of Alberta.

1. Indian Horse – Richard Wagamese
2. Warlight – Michael Ondaatje
3. Sign for the Migrant Soul – Richard Cumyn *
4. Rumi & the Red Handbag – Shawna Lemay *
5. Kalyna – Pam Clark * +
6. Mrs. Fletcher – Tom Perotta
7. Full Disclosure – Beverley McLachlin
8. Sun and Her Flowers – Rupi Kaur
9. Jonny Appleseed – Joshua Whitehead *
10. Asking – Shawna Lemay *
1. Flowers Can Always Be Changing – Shawna LeMay *
2. Homes – Winnie Yeung * and Abu Bakr al Rabeeah * +
3. Operation Medusa – Major General David Fraser and Brian Hanington and David Richards
4. Trumpocracy – David Frum
5. Best Places to Bird in the Prairies – John Acorn * and Nicola Koper and Alan Smith
6. Let’s Go Exploring: Calvin and Hobbes – Michael Hingston *
7. I’ll be Gone in the Dark – Michelle McNamara
8. Higher Loyalty – James Comey
9. The Power of Kindness – Brian Goldman
10. Driving Miss Norma – Tim Bauerschmidt and Ramie Liddle
* Alberta Author + Alberta Publisher
Bestseller List Week Week Ending 2018-05-20