2008 Alberta Provincial Election Iris Evans

strathcona veto.

Sherwood Park Tory Iris Evans believes that Strathcona County should get a veto on the newly created Edmonton-area planning board:

That contradicts Premier Ed Stelmach’s government’s plan to allow a new regional board to make binding decisions — no vetoes — on regional land-use planning and intermunicipal transit.

“Once a regional plan is approved it has to be adhered to by all,” said the government statement outlining its decisions in December.

Evans said Tuesday county residents have always feared a waste-management facility would be forced upon them. Even though there’s no talk of such a thing, the fear lingers, she said.

So, Evans is advocating for a change to the regional planning agreement that took so long to finally become a reality over something that no one is even talking about? Keep up the good work, Iris…

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