As the title of this blog post would suggest, there is a 5-foot icicle hanging outside my bedroom window. These are times I wish I had a digital camera.
Well, for the first time in about 4 months, I shovelled the sidewalk in front of my house. I think we must have got at least a foot of snow yesterday. I really wish we would have had this much snow for Christmas, instead of in March.
After going for an Irish breakfast yesterday morning (beer included), I stopped by Second Cup at the Varscona Hotel with Sam and Chris. While ordering my coffee, I really didn’t know how to react when I saw that Second Cup had named one of their coffee flavours – I kid you not – the “Rwandan Cup of Hope” … holy smokes… talk about a heavy name for a cup of coffee… 500,000 dead… cream and sugar please… “I’ll have a large Rwandan Cup of Hope and a cranberry muffin, please…“
And on the lighter side of things… as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been fiddling around with the blog template here at daveberta. I don’t think this will be the final version, but I’m working on it inbetween essay writing. I was getting bored with the last version, so it was time for a change.
I like suggestions as well. So, if you have any ideas for my new template, feel free to comment!