
evans is out of the race.

Well, there are many people who will testify that Alberta’s Health & Wellness Minister Iris Evans is “waaaay out there,” but now, she is officially out of the Alberta PC leadership race.

To give daveberta readers an example of the “way outness” of the Sherwood Park Progressive Conservative MLA, the first time we met her, she was clinging to a plastic SIDS baby doll. Now, as weird as it was for her to be clinging to a plastic SIDS baby doll in the first place, it was at a conference dealing with international development – why she was there we still do not know (she was Minister of Children’s Services at the time) – but she spoke on behalf of the Alberta Government following an terrific speech by then-Senator Doug Roche. The topic which she spoke of was just as bizarre… you guessed it… she spent her 5 minutes at a conference on international development and the third world talking about SIDS… it was really bizarre.

Not to mention the weirdness of the Tory Caucus video at the most recent Alberta Legislature Press Gallery dinner which had had Minister Evans making reference to “sausages.” This is made even weirder when you understand that she typically raises (at some very inappropriate times) that she is single and looking for a man…

Not that she was a “real” contender anyway, but it looks like the Tories may have an “all-white all-penis” leadership race on their hands once Premier Ralph Klein decides to go to pasture.

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