Daily props go to…
1. … Edmonton Strathcona NDP Candidate Linda Duncan – who has linked to us from her campaign website!
2. … Scott Feschuk‘s campaign blog. Not because it’s particularily good, but because it’s damn funny. Additional props go to whoever hired the guy?
3. … Mr. Steve Smith, who has set up an Edmonton Strathcona election info blog. Not as cool as this blog, but good showing, Mr. Smith.
4. … Roboraptor and Robosapien! How cool.
5. … the Revmod Gaffe-o-Meter.
6. … Mr. Bart Ramson, who has endorsed us as the BEST PERSONAL BLOG in the Canadian Blog Awards! Go. Vote. Now.
*PROPS UPDATE!!* Additional props #7 to Spencer Keys via Steve Smith for this wonderful Labour party TV ad from their last election.