
an exciting business oppurtunity!

I’m very excited to let the blogosphere know about an exciting business oppurtunity which I may soon be part of! I have attached the email corresponse below, please feel free to read and be jealous of my soon to be overflowing bank accout! I will post any response which I receive!


D 🙂

Subject: Business Proposal(Confidential)
Date: Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 18:34:47

From: Moses Eyadema
Av. Joaquin Vilumbrales,
3 Alcorcón – 28924 (Madrid) Spain.
Mobile Phone:+34686717232.
SAT TEL; +873 763 430 525.
SAT FAX: +873 763 430 526.

Dear Sir,

I am Moses Eyadema the son of President Gnassingbe Eyadema,the
president of Togo, Africa’s longest-ruling leader, who died on –
Saturday February 05, 2005 3:29pm after suffering a heart attack.

I know this letter might come to you as a surprise but I honestly do
not intend to surprise you. I write this letter in respect of my
intention to invest the sum of US$56M (Fifty Six Million United
States Dollars) with you.

I escaped to Madrid, Spain because of the fear that I might be arrested
by my stepbrother Faure Gnassingbe, who is now the country’s new
president.Actually his mother and my mother are not in the best of relationship because of
who among them will be the first lady Tussle and this ultimately affected
us their children. My father disclosed the existence of these funds to my
mother before his death.

My mother advised me to leave For Madrid, Spain where these funds were
deposited cash in a trunk box for safe keeping in a Storage Vault in Madrid Spain.

On getting to Spain where I have been living now then as a political
refugee I am seeking for a reliable foreigner who can come down to
Madrid,Spain for a meeting and to clear the funds in his name as the
sole beneficiary of the Consignment as I am afraid of being defrauded.

Honestly I contacted you because I don’t want to invest this money in
Madrid Spain due to my status here as a political Refugee. And moreover
I wouldn’t want to take risk because this money is all that my Mother and
I are depending on. My stepbrother Faure, who is now the present leader
of my country has seized all my father’s assets and he left us empty handed
without knowing about these funds deposited here in Madrid. That is why
I decided that investing this money abroad should be the best investment
for me. I will be honored if I can be given the privilege of investing this money with you.

I expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough to respond to this
distress call to save My Mother and I from a hopeless future. And if
you agree, I hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid effort in
this regard with Twenty percent of the total amount.Whatever your decision
is please reach me immediately, and keep this letter tight secret for the
interest of my Family. I will get your immediate response through my fax
number stated above.

Best regards,

Moses Eyadema

Subject: Re: Business Proposal(Confidential)
Date: Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 18:31:23

Dear Mr. Eyadema,

I thank you very much for the email which you had sent me last week. I feel truly privileged that you chose to send this very important correspondence to myself, a lowly university student, when you could have sent it to possibly millions of other email addresses. I am always looking for exciting opportunities, and this seems like an exciting one indeed.

Being a prudent minded individual myself, I have taken the liberty of “googling” your address in Madrid. I was very surprised to find that this is also the address of Mr. Antonio Savimbi, (the exiled son of the late Jonas Savimbi founder of Unita – the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola), and Mr. Moses Kabila (the son of the late Democratic Republic of Congo President Laurent Desire Kabila “of the blessed memory”).

I am glad to see that a young group of exiles such as yourselves have found comfort and companionship by sharing a flat in sunny Madrid.

Regarding our potential business deal, though I am not sympathetic towards the family of any tyrannical dictator, I am a liberal at heart and do very much feel the need to help my fellow man (or woman). This in mind, due to the risk involved in this venture, I’m afraid that a 20% gratuity will not be sufficed. A 40% gratuity would be more appropriate in my mind.

Please advise me of your decision at the earliest convenience.

Best regards while in exile,


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