Well I’ve finally decided to get on the great wave of bloging sweeping the land. So, here I am. Woah, what a rush…
Not sure what the overall theme of this blog is going to be, still trying to figure out the main details of how this thing actually works…
Listening CBC Radio One’s “As it Happens” program. For those of you who don’t know, As it Happens is a CBC nightly current affairs show. I’m not going to hide my bias, I think the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is probably the best news network in Canada (a purely personal opinion). It may be a little left-leaning, but it is a refreshing breath of fresh air in the world of Global, CNN, and Fox (barf!).
Back top AIH- Right now Mary Lou Finley is talking to the BC Foresty Minister about some issue regarding trees or something.
Well, that’s it for now.