Alberta Oil Sands

the quack heard round the world.

Deputy Premier Ron Stevens must have had a tough time during his last day re-branding the tar sands in Washington D.C. and the United States this week as his important government mission was rudely interrupted by 500 very inconsiderate ducks who broke provincial environmental regulations and landed in the Syncrude Aurora Northern Tailing Ponds.

Who do these ducks think they are? Interfering in Syncrude’s important tar sands operation? Interfering with Ed Stelmach and Mel Knight’s $25 million tar sands re-branding campaign? Interfering in the free market?

More shocking is the revelation that an “anonymous tipster” tipped off Alberta Environment and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development to the ducks’ interference. Just who is this “anonymous tipster?” Probably some socialist-Greenpeace-Liberal-hippie type still bitter from losing the last election.

In Alberta, we tough things out. We shoot, shovel, and shut up.

This incident highlights the damaging impact of the “natural” ecosystem on Alberta’s booming and prosperous oil economy.

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